Saturday- 3- 10- 18

My brain is full of patterns. I’m trying to learn to pick them apart if they are negative, leave the working ones alone, and create better, more positive patterns in my head, so I can be better.

One pattern is “that I MUST NOT BE WITHOUT MY TECH.” And so I freak out without knowing where my phone is (there’s a reason for it, beyond the normal tech addiction our world has…. that’s for another time.).

This is a pattern that is comfortable, and I am okay with.

Then, there are patterns I try to create, for my well being. Most of these are difficult and uncomfortable such as:


Nothing. Is defined as nothing I feel compelled to, pressured to, that must respond to, nothing that involves learning, communication, etc.

Nothing that I do for ANY reason but pleasure.

Both of them, are patterns. Both good patterns, but one is so much easier than the other and I don’t understand why.

I know this makes NO sense. But, it is important.

I need to stop trying to RUN my life.

I need to start trying to LIVE me life.

I need to adjust these patterns in my brain. I can’t explain it any better than that.

It’s very hard. I have certain disorders that control my thinking. Everyday is a competition between my conscious and subconscious. Between the autopilot, ingrained, unwanted, but survival mode patterns and routines of my mind, and the things I actually WANT and need to do.

My subconscious programming attempts to keep me safe, by confining me to the patterns it has decided are what I need in order to be okay. But, I desire more than just okay.

It seems perhaps like an easy thing to make ones mind subject to their own will. I don’t think it actually is, not even for “normal” people. Most people just live. They rarely stop to evaluate their life, actions, causes, effects, or the thinking that has led them to where they are and if they don’t like that, to search for the way to change things. Most don’t realize that for the most part, we have the ability to mentally create our world. To a certain degree. Nature vs. Nuture comes into play. As does personality, and health.

But, for me, I find the challenge to be mostly in my own head.

For example, there are a billion things I NEED to do right now.

I am being compelled. By FEAR. that’s the thing that actually runs my life.

I just told my husband that my blanket smells like candy.

I realized about 5 minutes after I said it that…..I’m pretty sure my blankie smells like “candy” because somehow my sample of that “Prada Candy Perfume” that I love so much, got on it.

I had the sample yesterday. It’s possible that the sample is completely totally dumped out. Gone.

My brain is TRYING desperately to convince me that I HAVE TO GET UP AND FIND THAT SAMPLE. Because it’s my fave. If I lose it, I’ll cry.

And so my mind has gone into a NEGATIVE MODE.

Instead of understanding that I could always go get another sample. Hell, if I like it THAT much, maybe I SHOULD buy a bottle. Either way, whatever happened, has already happened, my mind is consumed with fear and anxiety.

I realize, consciously, that I can either jump out of bed, in a panicked state, pumping my adrenaline, and then things will start snowballing into a full day of “dealing” and “coping” and “reacting” and “responding”……..


I can simply lay here, and bury myself in the smell that is so yummy. Relax. Get up “on the right side of the bed”.

It might not even BE the sample perfume.

Then, my brain screams “oh shit!!!! What else could it be??? Oh my god, what if it’s something MORE precious and important. Or something toxic! You HAVE to see!!!!”

No. Brain. No. I DONT. I LIKE WHAT I AM DOING RIGHT NOW. I don’t care what made my blankie smell like this. I’m ENJOYING IT. SHUT UP.”

See, there is a mental tug of war. When I allow myself to be COMPELLED, I’m the one who is losing.

Because a compulsion is not what I WANT to do.

A compulsion is not something I enjoy.

A compulsion is something I am DRIVEN, to do.

Driven, like a prisoner in the backseat of a police car.

You know driven, forced, out of my own control ….. which is fucked up, bc if you asked me years ago, I would have said “I don’t allow anything to CONTROL me, that I want to.” Yet, I have allowed my own mind to “imprison me.”

I became convinced that patterns, routines, order, ARE EVERYTHING IN LIFE.

I have developed more and more things, that I must do, in order, in a specific manner, in my day to day life, that I have believed were helpful to me, and that’s not to say they aren’t ALL helpful. Some are. But, MANY OF THEM, are LIMITING my ability to actually ENJOY my life.

It’s become STRESSFUL to be spontaneous. To not KNOW everything going on around me. To not have my morning cigarette. To not do things in what my own mind has determined is the CORRECT WAY.


I know WHY. Somewhat.

I was out of control. In a severe manic episode.

Then, I got sick, with the pancreatitis. And that took ALL OF MY CONTROL FROM ME.

I got so scared. I became afraid of my mental health finally unequivocally containing things that my mother was diagnosed as having, that I had prayed….One of the few things I prayed about, just because someone MIGHT be listening….. would skip me, genetically. The very same prayer I had said for my children.

My diagnosis was like listening to the gates of hell shutting behind me, as I stood looking at the underground of my life, being welcomed home. Sad thing is, I wasn’t even afraid for myself as much as I should have been.

Because my mother, sure, she has her cross to bear, I don’t discount that. I know the majority of what is wrong with her, is legitimately, illness, disability, mental health issues.

But, my mother does not seek to change herself. She seeks out those who might change the world around her. She uses those people, for a long as she can, till they get tired, worn down, burdened, with her problems. Either they BREAK, LEAVE, or WHATEVER THEIR WAY OF HANDLING IT BECOMES.

I will NEVER justify what the person who abused my mother in Missouri did to her. It was wrong. He was weak. He was so weak, that instead of walking away from her, he became the monster himself. I don’t feel for him. Because a person who allows them self to resort to hitting a physically and mentally disabled woman, to locking all of her belongings in his shed for over a year, without giving her access to them, to taking to battery out of her van, that the state provided, modified, so she could drive while IN HER WHEELCHAIR, so that she couldn’t go anywhere……. that person, though he was possibly driven to feeling he should take those actions because of who she is, is still a cretin. He was even weaker than her. That’s why he had to control her and hit her, to make him FEEL like he was a bigger, stronger, person than her. But, he wasn’t.

Even still, he, just like everyone else my mother used, was being used by my mother. My mother does not carry her own burdens. She never has. She is handed a problem by life, and she looks at it, and starts crying. Until someone picks it up and handles it for her.

That is what she did to me. And then, when I moved out, to the next oldest. She went through four of us. I think she severely damaged us all. But, I’ve wondered, over the past few years, why we all came out SO different. I think now, that maybe it had to do with our age differences.

I was 11, when the shit storm started. I don’t know if my dad’s death triggered some of her underlying illnesses, but I have thought for a couple of years now, that maybe it DIDN’T.

Maybe, until that point, my DAD had been carrying that burden himself. That man LOVED her. Like nothing I had every seen. His love for her, and us, and his happiness on a daily basis…….. were ever so visible. He couldn’t hide it if he wanted to. But, he never tried. He loved us all. We were his whole world.

I look back now, now that my memories seem to be coming back, which is a discussion for a different day, and I remember how he loved when Mom would bring us by the station, for any reason. To bring him lunch, or get something from him.

He would stand up, really tall, bend down, arms opened and say “come on”. It didn’t matter if there was just one of us, or all four, we would rush and get into the big arm hugs of “Winnie the Pooh.” He loved that character. We all had a name of a character. He could pick up any 2 of us at once.

But, more than two at once, that depended on which ones were there. He never skipped an opportunity to “show us off”. Anywhere. To anyone. Mom too. He would grab her hand, and take whatever she may have been holding, set it down. He would hold her hand above her head and say “twirl pretty girl”. My mom would blush. But, she would do it anyway, and then, he would spin her in for a kiss.

The guys at the station ragged him about it. Only sometimes. It’s hard to be mad or even talk shit, about like, being pussy whipped, or whatever, when a man is so OBVIOUSLY in love with his family and his life. The smile on his face was never fake, or ever reserved, or even strained.

I know. I make him sound like a saint. He wasn’t. He had issues. He slept with our baby sitter once. Only once. That guilt and grief hung over him. I didn’t know why it was there. Not till years after he died. But, I knew how to make it go away. Big neck hugs. Nose kisses. Begging for a strawberry shortcake for breakfast.

Mom always let him get away with that one. They were homemade, little angel food cakes, with fresh cut strawberries in their own juice, with just ENOUGH sugar. My mom kept them in the fridge for me, always. You just plopped them on the shortcake, added cool whip, and mom always made him make sure I had some cheese and milk with it. That was the ONLY “mom approved desert for breakfast”. My favorite. I still love them. Though I can’t say I have eaten any, in at least a decade. Probably more like 2.

My point is…. he was human. Probably more faulty than I ever knew. That’s not my fault. I was still young enough that when he died, I didn’t really have access to or memory of, “bad times”.

But, for every fault he had, my mom still loved him. Her heart shattered the day he died. We all lived that same, horrible day. We all broke. We all remember it exactly the same. But, we all tell the story different because we each experienced that same moment in time, together, but separately.

So, it only makes sense, that I, an 11 year old, had more years to experience that love, that FAMILY, to see mom, unbroken, than my 6 year old, and 5 year old brothers, and my 3 year old sister. It makes sense that I have a much stronger sense of FAMILY. Of what it really means, that they do.

It also makes sense that….. at 11, I had fewer years, to remain in that brokenness, in the despair of a love lost, the illnesses that either followed his death, or were revealed by it, because maybe he had been holding her together all that time. Even when they were separated.

When she moved us to Dallas. For almost 2 years. I, myself, understand, just how little (or how much, depending on how you see it) difference, a few years in a different state, can make on a love that is TRUE. I only spent almost 4 years in California.

My siblings, though, they EACH, had years less than I did, living in an environment and having the understanding of the love and devotion, and the way that things were before. They had more of living in the aftermath, of the horror, the things no child should see, experience, or be expected to be okay after seeing. More time, living in the shadow of a love ripped apart. Of a mother, who’s only reason for staying alive (except on the days she lost all reason) was to take care of the children that love had made.

Because he would have wanted her to. Despite the fact, that she couldn’t make it in this world without him, and that every time one of her children cried for him, or said his name, she cried too, and after soothing our sorrows, retreated to her room, as soon as she could, to cry her heart numb again.

She raised us, in a life of grief. In a world where everything and everyone was (in reality) against her and she had to fight for everything, for us.

Is it any wonder that she, so many years later, in the degradation of her heart, mind, and body, from age and illness, believes that the world is still against her? That she DESERVES what she takes that isn’t hers. That she only cares for herself? It’s not an excuse. It’s a reason.

What do I mean by that?

An excuse….. it admits something happened, but usually for an acceptable cause, and that you aren’t held to blame for it. A reason, is the rationale, the cause of the thing that happened. However, a reason, does not necessarily make the occurrence ACCEPTABLE.

Because whatever has occurred is not an acceptable thing, and it doesn’t matter why. It’s not a justification. It’s simply a matter of cause and effect. Sometimes, a person can choose how the cause impacts them, sometimes they can’t. In a lot of cases, I believe it solely depends on the individual and the characteristics and traits they have.

Which brings you to the argument over nature vs. nurture. In the case of my siblings and I, I do know that we each have distinctive personality traits.

As we all grew up, I saw things in each of us, that were the things that would be what made our lives okay. They would be our strengths. Even though, I had no clue what actually was going on. I acted on instinct. Until I was old enough to begin to understand what my “acting on instinct was”.

The verification of that, for me, is the simple fact, that I never actually SAW the negative aspects of my siblings. To ME, they were simply things KIDS DID. Especially, to those siblings. And the things that WERENT, in my limited opinion, normal, “obviously was simply an effect of what the trauma had on us”. It made sense to me. No one ever told me any different. I don’t think I ever asked.

Maybe if I had, things would be different. Maybe I could have told them, not just that “……… is what makes you strong, and beautiful. It’s what you have inside you that will make everything okay.” But, also that “…… what I see inside you that if you don’t try hard to make sure that it isn’t what controls you, it might overpower all the good things inside you, and that would make me sad. Because you have so much potential. Everyone has faults though. And if you don’t know what yours are, they will run your life.”

I didn’t see the negative traits as issues. We were kids. All of us. Even though I wasn’t a living the life of a child anymore. You can’t have the responsibility I did and the determination that I was going to take care of us all, mom too, and keep us together, no matter what…… and still be a child. I look back now, and I see that I never had a snowballs chance in hell of making everything okay. I wasn’t a superhero. I didn’t have a time machine. I didn’t have the education, or the understanding that I do now.

I understand now, that those of us, who were older, had a better idea of “good, happy, normal, loving, beautiful” and that according to the order of our birth, that comcept, diminished.

The reverse is also true. Those of us, who were younger, spent much more time, living in a broken, terrible, fearful, abnormal, love-starved, and ugly, environment.

So, in my experience, I feel that nurture won. In this case. We all had strengths and we all had weaknesses. That’s called personality. I think we are born with gifts and with challenges.

A person in an optimal condition, to sway those traits one way or the other, would be the only person, in which NATURE, could POSSIBLY (because maybe even not then) be the ONLY factor in the outcome of of that person’s life direction. I think a good example of this, might be the movie “The Truman Show.” In a life were everything was real, but perfectly planned in order to let nature take its course. Problem is, there will never actually be a means to allow nature to take its course, in order for a viable test of the theory. Because the moment ANY control is taken upon an individuals environment, the MOMENT ANY OUTSIDE influence, is placed in someone’s path, the purity of nature, is tainted by the questionable, and unknowable effect of nurture.

In my opinion, nurture wins.

The only caveat to that, is whether or not SOMEONE some how, teaches a person that they HAVE a choice. There is ALWAYS a choice. Some people, like my youngest sister, were never given that information. So, they believe that instead of finding things within self to adjust in order to live the life that makes breaths matter, that they have no option except to see EVERYTHING and EVERYONE as a threat, as something to beat. By whatever means possible.

It’s true. There will always be………

…….. UNFINISHED MORNING RAMBLE………posting anyway.

TO MY HUSBAND: Life Changes, Love Never Does. 


I lovers you. So much. I need you to know that. To actually feel that, deep down inside. Like you did when we decided to get back together. 

I have taken us ….. all of us, down a kinda fucked up path. 
I know I didn’t do it alone. Others helped. You helped. 
But, my life is not what I want it to be. 
Truth be told, I don’t think a single person in this house, likes thier life. At all. 
That needs to change. 
Unfortunately, the only person I can change, is me. And hopefully, if I do that, and if I say things that need to be said, and I set a better example…… others can find a way to change thier life. 
I’m not talking about leaving, or running away. Or offing myself. Or anything drastic and harmful and ridiculous. I need you to know that too. I need you to understand that I cannot possibly tell you and explain to you everything. 
I will do my best to try and communicate what is going on, verbally, via text, emails, and that’s ALSO what the “Chrys’ Schedule” Calendar is for. 
I have no intention or interest in seeing, finding, or fucking someone else. None. I LOVE YOU AND ONLY YOU. FOREVER. 
Like you said. I have to forgive myself. And trust myself. So, if you really do trust me, like you say, you won’t worry about that. 
I need to say things. That aren’t going to be nice. I’m not saying them to be mean. Or to hurt. I’m saying them because it’s how I feel, what I see, what I think, and someone has to say them. 
I have to stop being scared to be honest, with myself and the people I care about. I need to stop apologizing, and start accepting my part in being wrong. 
But, I have to point out shit to the people I care about too. Because I love you guys. And I’m watching you all going into the fucking garbage disposal that I have been in for a long time. I have so very much work to do on MYSELF. 
I can’t work on you guys. Y’all kinda need to do that for yourselves, mostly. But, you can’t work on shit you are unable to see. As a person who loves y’all, and sees shit, I need to open my mouth and say it. Like “hey. you have a huge booger hanging from your nose, spinach covering your front testh, and earwax coming out your ears more than shrek.”  

It’s not right if I see things and say nothing. But, I have so much shit to work on myself…… that I don’t have the time, or the energy, to make it palatable. I don’t have time to roll up logs of shit in sugar. And it wouldn’t matter if I did. Because shit rolled in sugar, still tastes like shit. 

I also don’t have time to argue about whether or not I am right. If I say something, and you don’t believe it’s true. That’s on you. I’m not perfect. I don’t perceive everything the way others do. I’m an outsider looking in. There’s probably shit I’m wrong about. If I am, just fucking leave it on the floor. 

No matter what I think, or say, I cannot change anyone but me. No one can. So, I’m just gonna say it, and you guys can take it or leave it. 
There is ZERO point in arguing. 
What might actually accomplish something, is for me to point it out, move on, and work on myself so I can set a better example, as well as be here, more effectively. I am always here, at home. But, that doesn’t mean I’m doing any damn thing with my life. And how can I tell anyone of you, to do something with your life, while I sit here, day after day after day, writhing in my pain, loss, depression, whining about what I can’t do and don’t have and need from others, and wish others would do. 
I have strayed so fucking far from my own beliefs and core values, that I don’t even recognize myself anymore. 
And that isn’t because I am ill. It’s because I have allowed myself to become a fucking victim of my illness. 
I let it take everything from me. Everything except the four people I love most. Who need me. But, what do you guys need me for, what do you need me to do? 
It isn’t about a clean house, or knocking on the bedroom door, or rudeness or disobedience. You guys don’t need me to wipe your asses and run around behind you like a fucking house elf waiting to catch you when you fall, only to completely miss, because I was running behind someone else at the moment. 
No. What you need is to be inspired. You need to be SHOWN, PROVEN, that when you put your mind to something, nothing is going to stand in your way. 
and you need to fucking fall on your own asses, pick your own selves back up, and keep going …….
Instead of me, being all like….. “oh my Baby, come here, I’m so sorry, it’s all my fault, let me make it better.” 
We take the blame for thier fucking issues. 
We let their issues make their “problems” acceptable. 
And that…… that is the worst thing we could be doing. 

I am not saying that, my kids should have the childhood/teen hood i did. 

I am saying…… that I lived a life, that made me strong. Powerful. Confident. Yes. I hurt. I had failures. I had crazy shit happen. But, that was the fucking lot I was handed in life. And I dealt with it. There was no one to guide me, help me, pity me. 

I’m glad we are here for our kids. 
But, we are literally fucking them up. 
We have never ever allowed them to: fall without a cushion under thier ass. (Well, except for that once, involving a bicycle and a broken leg.)
To meet a real challenge. 
To experience failure. Which means ……
(omg. My phone just crashed and I thought I lost all of this. I think maybe a good idea, would be, instead of sitting and typing so much, i could possibly start working and audio recording. not dictating, just recording. ……. whoa. Deep thoughts. definitely need a good headset for that though. …….
Anyway. My frikking point is, we haven’t ever let our kids really experience failure. Until they do, success will never mean a damn thing to them. 
I don’t really know how that gets put into action. I just don’t. 
But, I do know one thing. 
Me- sitting here, relying so much on yall, and not stepping up to the goddamn lot I was handed in life…. just withering and whimpering and whining about how I had everything stolen from me…….that’s all they fucking see …….
And that is no way to lead a family, set an example, prove that shit is possible, or that talent and intellect is pointless without action and hard work. 
Babe, I honestly dont know where all this came from. I don’t know what made me open my eyes. I don’t think it was any one thing. I just don’t know. 
I only know that I have a fucking choice. I can stay like this….. or I can do something different. 
It may mean y’all don’t like things, or seem I am really for real, being selfish. I hope that at least you, can see that I am doing what I need to do, that I can become some measure of that girl you once fell head over heels for. 
I don’t know….. if, or how much, I can actually count on you. I’m scared that instead of seeing this for what it is….me choosing to end this, more than a decade long run, of “poor pitiful me” and really getting honest and finding myself again,

….that you will feel, I dunno….. something ELSE. 
Like, neglected, or like I’m pushing you away, or that I’m being selfish, or that I’m not “here” for you and my family, or that I’m more concerned with my own wants and needs than I am with y’alls. 
And if you think those things, or the myriad of other things that I am terrified you will think or feel, it will simply be proof that I was right to be afraid all of this time. 
And it might hinder me, it might crush me, it might even STOP me. But, for you, and for the kids, and even my doggies, I have to try to not let that happen. No matter what you think. 
I even fear…….. losing you. I do. 
And that, and all of those fears, and all of the guilt and all of the “mourning” of what I lost……. is what has held me back. 
It helps greatly, that I found medications and treatments, that I have researched so many things, and found so many resources “for changing my life, having millionaire mornings, and all that shit.” 
I hope that when I do, that I can find solace, shelter, and comfort in your arms. 

But, more than that, I hope that when my tears are dried, and the comforting is over, you don’t tell me “it is okay to quit”. Or that “I am being to hard on myself”. Or “Doing too much.” Or “just not able to do this”. 
I don’t need that from you. 
I need you to remind me, that I am a warrior. 
A princess YES. 

I know it isn’t. How do I know? Because I wake up every single day with the same fucking fire in my heart that I have had, since the earliest time I can remember in my life. 
Because my own mottos and phrases echo in my ears. 

My single solitary desire, for my life, my entire being, I wake up every morning…….. it’s still there. 
But, then…….. I look at myself, I look around me, I wince in pain, and I tell myself…… 
“yeah. So. You forgot again. That part of you is dead. You forgot that your body is useless. You forgot that you are nothing. Go have some coffee and smoke a cigarette and look up some shit, to make yourself THINK, that tomorrow you can change your fate. 
Thinking you can, that will get you through the day, without stabbing yourself in the neck with an ink pen, that you can’t hold to write. It’s a lie. But, you can tell yourself a lie. It will get you through the day.” 
And that fire inside of me, gets a bucket of water dumped on it. Every single day. 
I’m LYING to myself. Daily. To just SURVIVE. 
When, the truth is…..if that part of me was really, truly dead……. I wouldn’t still wake up with it every single day. 
I’m just too afraid. I fear, failing myself, failing my dreams, failing my family, and failing the world around me that could possibly benefit from knowing me. 
I’m afraid. Because I fell, in every way possible. And when I fell, I was sorta on a pretty high horse about myself and my life. So, I hit the ground like humpty dumpty. 
Yeah. All the kings horses and all the kings men……
Fucking, I’ve always wondered, how come the stupid egghead never tried to put himself back together. and no one thought to ask him, “uh. Mr egg, where does this piece go?” 
Damn man. I’ve spent a lot of time writing today. It’s 1pm. And I haven’t done anything else. 
That’s why I’m saying, I don’t have the time…… to explain everything to you. 
Lots of it, I’m gonna need you to take on faith. Without questioning everything. 
I used to be capable of doing shit on my own. I’m never going to be able to do that again, in any amount, if I have to stop my forward momentum and explain shit. 

That is a big part of why I got so damn mad yesterday. Because you could not simply accept that I was doing a certain thing, a certain way, without me having to explain it in detail, argue about what I had said before, what my reasoning was, the necessity of the task, etc. I asked you for physical assistance. Not only did I not get that physical assistance, I didn’t get the opportunity to go at the task by myself. We got into a huge fight, upset Bella, and had a pretty crappy rest of the day. In the end, what I was trying to accomplish, didn’t get done. It didn’t matter why, or how. From my perspective, the only thing that mattered at all, was that I was going to do a task, it was physically, something I needed help with, and I thought that having you in there with me, would help prevent “emotional reactions to other things.” I just wanted to get in, do it, and get out. Without drama. 

You want to know what is going to happen NOW? I’m going to have to go in there, this week, alone, while he is in school and you are at work, to avoid the damned conflict, and accomplish my task. You didn’t change my mind. All you did was upset everyone, hurt my feelings, on several levels, prevent me from accomplishing something that I need to do, and ensure that I don’t have help when I go back to do it. What was the point of all of that? Honest, that is one of the reasons I don’t ask for help from anyone. Just one. It obviously isn’t always that bad. But, it happens. And I don’t like it. So, I do what I can to avoid those conflicts. All because I am trying to do something, and someone else feels like they need to know why? What does it matter? You guys want me to ask for help. I asked for help. Instead of getting it…… look. LOOK at what I received instead. Like I said. I don’t have enough time and energy to explain my every thought process, idea, course of action, plan, or the necessity or purpose of what I am doing. 
What’s really messed up is, I dont like that. I don’t like the thought of going off on my own, and doing anything at all. Not before I explain it, in detail to you, and ask you what you think and examine it from all angles. 
It scares me. Because I don’t like to fuck up, fall down, make mistakes…..but who would I be, if I had lived my whole life…… running everything I did through someone else? Never making mistakes. Never having to fix them. Or try again. 
I would NEVER have been the person you fell in love with. 
I probably wouldn’t have ever met you in the first place. 
It takes time, to research, type up an essay, present it to my husband, wait for it to be edited and sent back, to edit it and resubmit it, multiple times, and get the final word on it……
And what is your typical final word???
It’s something like:
– if that’s what you wanna/think you should/believe it right, do it. 
-I don’t know. I can’t speak for you. 
-only you can make that decision. 
So, literally-

1: I could be writing thesis’. In college. And at least I would get a clear grade. 
2: its actually nonsense and serves no purpose for me to spend the time and effort to do it, only to be told “you have to make the decision.”  
Why do I do it? Because I am afraid. I’m afraid of making the WRONG decision. 
And all that time, that I am researching and writing…… I could be on my fucking feet. 
I obviously still have more to say. 

But, more importantly, I have shit to do. I can write later. Yeah? Yeah. 
Just remember-
I love you. 
I’m not leaving you. 
There is not and will not be anyone else. 
I have to do this. If you search your own heart and mind, you know I do. 
I want your support. I want your comfort. And I want you to dry my tears and then tell me to go again. 
I want your faith in me, and your trust. Because that, that is what I always had before. Your unshakable belief that there is Nothing I Cant Do. 
But, if I have to, I will do this without those things. It will be harder, take longer, and be lonelier. 

FINALLY (for now), 

I have just two more things to say….
The first to drive this shit home. 

The second to get it started. 

The first:
As much as you don’t want to. Lol. 
Friendless, belonging to no one and no place. 

Figuratively, laying in her own bed, the bed she made, and not doing anything about the shit, and piss, she is laying in. 


Poor, sad, miserable, lonely, mistreated, used, taken for granted Eliesa. No one loves her or cares about her. 
I am headed down that same fucking road. Right now, the only difference between her and me, is that I am not a bitch. Not the kind she is  

I refuse to use others and hurt others just to make me feel better. 

I refuse to stomp on other people because I think that’s the only way to have anything. That’s the ONLY DIFFERENCE. 

Maybe, just maybe, that is the reason I felt that I had to let her back into my life. 
Maybe I was so fucked up, that I put myself in her shoes. and I thought, “What if MY husbnad and children, leave me to rot in my disabled life. I wouldn’t want that done to me.” So, I let her back in. 
Maybe that was less me, and more the universe. Maybe I HAD TO LET HER IN, to see who she has become, and what she is, and what she is doing. So, I could recognize it, in myself. TO BE REMINDED IN A WAY I SIMPLY COULD NOT IGNORE. 
My mother wears a size 5.5 shoe. She isn’t even 5″ tall. 

She thinks she is so fucking smart. But, she’s a damned idiot.

Her hair is thinning and falling out. 

She has the nerve to judge others, while being too afraid to even try to sell one goddamn shawl. 

She has the things she needs to change her life. But, she chooses, to play martyr. 
She is too small, in body, in heart, in mind, and soul, to do what she needs to,

To have a life she can at least tolerate. 
And I will grant, she has had some shit piles dumped on her life, repeatedly. Maybe because the universe is trying to tell her something to. “Like, you haven’t learned yet, sigh. I’m running out of “lesson shit” for other people. But, here’s another one.” 
But, guess what? Me and You, have had lots of shit piles dumped on us, too. 
I outgrew her shoes at 13. 

At 15, I was taller than her. 

At 20, I realized I didn’t really know shit. (Too bad I thought she had answers. That was a mistake.) 

I have more common sense than three of her put together. 

I have a full head of hair, and it’s gorgeous. 

I don’t judge others, because I don’t want be judged. 

I’m not afraid to try. Correction: I’m terrified to try, but I’m not gonna let that fear stop me like it stops her. 

Because, in every way, shape, form, I am bigger, stronger, fiercer, and better, smarter, kinder, then she ever was and than she will ever be. 
I don’t even know why my dad loved her. Maybe earlier in her life, she was more like me. 

Maybe he kept hoping, that she would change back into that person. 

It’s unfortunate that he only had roughly a decade with her. 
Maybe his strength, his believe in her, his love for her, would’ve given her courage to push her forward. But we’ll never know.

What I do know, is that I have had YOU for twice as long as she had him.
You love me, and believe in me, the way he believed in her and loved her. 

So, I’m going to use that, as much of it as I can get out of you, to give me courage. 

I need courage. I need everything I can get from you, to not be afraid anymore. So that I don’t end up just like her.
The second (and last thing I have to say right now.)
Since I’ve gotten sick, I’ve said many times, that I never expected things to be this way. I’ve morosely jokes, that it looks like we got it all wrong.
That it was good going to be you changing my bed pan instead of the other way around. 

I have decided, I’m not ready to except THAT. 
We said HOW IT WOULD BE, before we were ever married. And I’ll be damned if I get to the bedpan before you. (At least, not without putting up a fight, all the fight I have in me.)
So, right here, right now:
I take off my gloves, AND slap your face with them, AND throw them on the ground AND bend you over AND SHOVE this nerbil and gunk straight up your skasktank, AND I’m putting you on a biscuit…..(cuz I got a handicap and I need a head start)…… and …….
Who can avoid the bed pan longer!!!!! 



(Wtf??? I can’t find the gun or the crossed checkered racing flags emojis. And I haven’t updated yet!!!)


Fuck it…..👖 I pants’d you. 



Oops. Wrong way!!!!


(Get it? I’m running backwards….. AWAY FROM THE BEDPAN.)

💡🔦🕯TURN YOU 🔛 


Purple Hair, Pink Fuzzy Scarf, Full Makeup

PS- It changed a bunch of my formatting. #LearningWordPress