Distrust: Fear or Danger : Which is it?

I heard someone say this the other day, and I can’t remember who, but it stuck in my brain…

“Fear is a construct. Danger is a reality.”

That has so many levels. Ya’ know?

It’s about not being afraid of what isn’t real. I could talk about what’s not real all day and night. I could tell you every fear I have. Most of them are not actually things that will happen. Fear is all in your mind.

Danger is real. You really can fall off a cliff if you are fucking around at the edge of a cliff. See danger. Notice it. It’s about acknowledging and accepting what is, factually, real ; preparing for it, training for it. Healthy respect for actual danger.

But, when you live in the world I live in, it’s really hard to tell the difference between the two. Today, that not knowing is plaguing me.

Trust. That’s a big deal in my world. Without trust between me and another human, there is nothing. That did not used to be the case. Up until recently, I have given my trust away as if it is free, as if it doesn’t matter. I trusted with never being given a reason to and even when being given every reason NOT to trust. I thought I was doing right. I thought that is what being good meant. I thought to mistrust was evil or mean, when you barely know someone. I know now that really, I had it all backwards.

Trust is a gift for those special people
you CHOOSE to give it to. It is not a guarantee or a right.

Trust. Is earned. Some people are trusted simply because they exist, like a baby trusts its mother. It’s natural. But, even a baby will learn to not trust that mother if she does not do her job. I never learned what to do before trust was earned or how it was earned. Trust was never modeled for me as a child. I didn’t know that you could walk away from someone because you can’t trust them, even if you love them. I didn’t know WHAT the “rules” were for AFTER trust was broken, either.

There are very few people whom I trust. None of them are “myself”. Why? REASONS. Lol. Short answer: I’ve been through a lot. It messed me up a lot. I don’t always know my own reality and have to check with my videos, notes, text messages, and those I DO trust, to inform me of what is real. It’s a funny thing, to not trust yourself at all. So those I do put my faith in, I put absolute faith in. There is no room in my life for anyone who isn’t able to be truthful with me.

I think people would agree with me, there is zero reason for telling me something that is not true. That is a risk free behavior. I can agree to disagree. I have seen and done a LOT in my life, which lends me a mindset that is flexible and doesn’t judge. Even if you lie to me and I find out or you tell me, we can work through it. I’ve always been this way.

Until now. There is, in fact, a line a person can cross that is no longer okay. I will NOT be manipulated. I will not have my emotions yanked around. I will not be talked into things. I will not simply agree with someone, to avoid a conversation. I will not be TRICKED. I will not tolerate being used as a weapon against someone else. I will NEVER be a pawn in someone else’s game, never again.

I need people around me that I can rely on, when I am not okay. Those people must have my trust. Must. So that I can be safe. Maintaining my quality of life, means KNOWING that people have my back. Like I have thiers. MY heart isn’t a toy, my emotions are not strings to pull, to puppeteer me. I am human being, real, living, breathing, and trying desperately to heal before my life is over. I have feelings. I want to know what it is like to be alive and loved and not TERRIFIED of the people around me. To live in peace.

I will no longer give implicit trust to someone who hasn’t proven they can be trusted. I will not jump in to save a drowning person I barely know. I will not get super close and reveal my vulnerabilities in the first month of knowing someone. Ive done those things all of them, and more, because I have a good heart, because I don’t see the bad things in a person when I meet them, only the beauty of that soul. Because I never want to see anyone else in discomfort if I can help. Because it’s the “right and good” way to be, open and sharing with others. Maybe it is “right”. Maybe this means I’m not a “good person”. But, I feel okay about this decision. I have been doing the self sacrifice game my whole life to every single person I meet. Most of the time, what I get back is heart ache. I can’t take anymore. So, I’m done.

No. Not with people. I’m done with not protecting myself, with worrying so much about someone else, and scrambling to meet their needs, while they play on my emotions to make me jump through rings of fire just to keep my in a heightened, negative emotional tornado. I’m clumsy and prone to being very flammable. This doesn’t work for me anymore. I can barely keep myself afloat many days.

Does that mean I’ve finally become jaded? I don’t know. My youngest, who is now 17, informed me that I’m ALLOWED to be that way for a while, to be angry. He said that it’s okay to feel all the feels about it, even the ones that make me think I’m a bad person. He also said it should only be for a while, as I heal, as no contact gets easier. He was concerned that my “sparkle is missing.”

That’s what started the conversation. Oh my kids know me too well. He believes that if I allow myself to feel those emotions, the bitterness I feel will fade and leave behind the memory so I don’t forget to protect myself. It’s amusing, but awe inspiring, that my wonderful kid, already knows these things. It’s sad that he has had to learn them by watching me go through my shit. I do hope that it will guide him to not make the same mistakes I have.

I do not like how I feel these days. Like there is something sickly, dark, and pulsing inside of me. But, I think it will get better.

This is the first time I have ever directly shut the door on a relationship with no explanation or opportunity for any further manipulation. I don’t like how I feel. But, I am glad that I have learned enough and worked on myself enough to FINALLY see the patterns and run like hell from the red flags. Because I used to see the whole world through rose colored glasses. When you live that way, the red flags don’t look red.

Through rose colored glasses,
the red flags aren’t red.

So, I’ve temporarily switched out my rose colored glasses for green ones. The same concept applies, right? I don’t want ANY flags for a while. I don’t even want to see green ones. I’m staying in My Castle, taking the time to find myself again. To heal. In time, I will change out my glasses for crystal clear lenses. But, for now, I really just want to be in the peace of my solitude outside of my very small circle. I don’t mind it being small. Because I trust everyone in it, implicitly with my life, and the lives of the others in the group.

Why then am I posting it for the world to see? I don’t even know you, right? Because I hope it will be helpful or useful to someone someday and because I’m also over worrying about what the people of the internet might think of me. I want to tell my truths. I don’t really care if anyone reads it or likes it. I don’t care if someone hates it, either. Leave a mean comment or such and I will simply delete it. I don’t give a rat ass if people don’t like me or think I’m wrong or don’t think I’m a good person. This helps me to process, the writing, the sharing, helps me to understand myself more deeply and get over being afraid someone won’t like me. But, the only important reason I need to give anyone is “…. Because I want to.”

I know that my mind is always afraid of ridiculous things. However, I am particularly afraid of being manipulated or tricked. That is reality. That is a REAL danger. I need to learn how to guard against it and turn it away before it ever has a chance to open its mouth. That is what I am working on.

Don’t worry. I can’t hide my sparkle for very long. If I do, someone in my family will dump glitter on my head and that will be the end of that.

If you can’t find your inner sparkle, it’s fine. Amazetsy has plenty you can buy. 😉

To All of You, From All of Us, here at:

~ Chrys’ NeighborHead ~

Have a Beautiful Day!!!

Breathing new life into a solvent dispenser

Dae-Young Yoo In our lab, we frequently hear “does anyone have extra acetone? IMS? White spirit?” Here, the solvents do not mean just solvents, it …

Breathing new life into a solvent dispenser

I am ALWAYS fighting with these kinds of dispensers. Plastic, glass, metal, cheap, expensive…… it doesn’t matter. NOW I know how to FIX them!!!! Yay.

Thank you for sharing this information!!!

To All of You, From All of Us, here at:

~ Chrys’ NeighborHead ~

Have a Beautiful Day!!!


What is your favorite drink?


I’m sorry. I refuse to exist without coffee. Call it boring. I love a lot of other drinks. But, while I am drinking anything, I also have a cup of coffee nearby. Always. Unless it’s tea. I don’t drink tea often. But, when I do, it may be in place of the next cup of coffee. I also MIGHT have a cup of coffee, decide I’d like tea, and get another cup for the tea, and have both. I know.


All Day. All Night. Coffee.

A Breakdown in Logistics, Technical Difficulties, and Art Supply Deficiencies.

Breakdown in Logistics: AKA “Omg this sucks.”

I have been super sick for about a week. I take a medication called Ozempic. I have diabetes, with lots of comorbidities. Keeping my A1C in check is VITAL. Ozempic works wonders for me. On a very low dose of a weekly injection, and the removal of sugar from my coffee, it took my A1C from 11.6 to 5.9 between June 2019 and March 2020. It has stayed there.

Except for those times when it is on back order for weeks at a time. When I have to go off of it because I cannot get any, it makes me sick. The longer I am off it, the more sick I get when I go back on it. This go round, I was off it for a few weeks, and even though I only did half the dose, it made me very ill. For several days, I was “grounded” to my bed. Anytime I am bed bound, it takes me a while after I can get up again to be able to move as freely as I was before I got confined.

I do always get out of bed as soon as I can, or sooner than I should, if you ask those who love me would tell you. My body has a lot of issues that are relapsing and remitting and for the most part, it is out of my control. That’s a hard thing to deal with in life, and takes a lot of patience and acceptance from myself of my limitations. Something a lot of people don’t understand. We could talk about that at length. I’m sure we will along the way.

Point is, I had a logistics breakdown in the ability to move myself to my workspace and was busy gathering spoons. 🥄 🥄 🥄

No. Just No. Today sucks. I couldn’t even keep my Princess crown on my head. Just NO!

Technical Difficulties: AKA “This Too Shall Glitch”.

My filming device is being ridiculous with me. I have plenty of cloud storage and enough space on the device to record and keep those recordings on that device. However, I do not have enough space to keep everything on the particular device. So I spend several hours this weekend, disconnecting that device from the cloud. I simply wanted to upload items from the device to the cloud. I don’t want it to download anything on the cloud from my other devices at all, because that device just doesn’t have enough room.

I’m pretty tech savvy. Yes, I turned it off and back on. 😏 In my previous life, tech was my career. I’m not completely newb status on this. However, I could not find a sufficient means of doing the only upload version of what I wanted.

So, I changed tactics. With trembling fingers, in abject fear of LOSING PHOTOS AND VIDEOS, I disconnected that one device from the cloud. Something went wrong. What? I do not know yet. But, it froze for the whole day doing its thing. I would unlock the screen and it would yell at me like someone in a bathroom stall I just accidentally tried to invade saying “BUSY HERE! I’ll be done tomorrow. Keep this app open and lock the screen behind you.” Catty wench. But, sometimes, technology has a bitchy day. Whatever. (Yes, I talk to my devices as if they are human, also my animals, myself and pretty much everything. I spend a lot of time by myself. lol.)

The next morning, hooray it finished whatever it was doing. So I then spent hours of that day and the next, deleting everything I didn’t need from only THAT PHONE. I checked and checked and double triple chocolate checked, that as I deleted items they were NOT being deleted from other devices. All was fine. Though it took forever for it to finish that process.

Monday, all seemed fine. But, I didn’t record much. Still a bit tired from being sick, I worked on redrawing the design for the coffee sign I’m DIY redoing and recorded some timelapses of that. I got some work done around the house. Took my shot again. I do them on Monday nights. Tuesday mornings my tummy is a wreck. Had some McDonald’s and watched Bourne Supremacy with the Hubs, and we had a nice evening of me being as still as possible while holding a small trash bucket on the bed. Just in case of …. Well. Being sick. We’ll leave it there.

I woke up Tuesday morning, feeling not so bad in the tummy, but a bit cruddy from the weather. I wanted to do a little recording. However, when I got to my device, I saw that it has photos on it I took the day before. That is not supposed to be occurring. Then, I panicked. Because everything I deleted from that phone was NOT stuff I want to lose. I just don’t want it taking up room on that device. Why is this so hard? I check my main device and sure enough, everything I have deleted from that device is now sitting in the recently deleted folder on it as well.

I thought perhaps I could go to the cloud, and simply download everything in the recently deleted folder onto my external drive. Nope! No. Of course not. I have to restore everything before it gets deleted after 30 days. Then try this entire process again. Technical difficulties, friends. It can take up some serious time.

Art Supply Deficiencies: AKA “Chrys needs to Amazon!”

I have been trying to determine WHAT to use to paint this glass. So, I did some experimenting:

There is acrylic paint, chalk marker, sharpie, watercolor, and gallery glass paint on this. I will all come back off, so I just tried to see what I have that will give me the result I want.

My result is : I have an ART SUPPLY DEFICIENCY and I need to solve it. Lol. I DO have other glass projects I want to do, so I need to buy some. I’m not buying them for just one project. Though, it wouldn’t be the first time I’ve done that. Lol.

Anyway, I discovered that I actually have the old formulation and packaging of gallery glass, that came in little pots just like you would get for kids stained glass art (though I do those too.)

Old Packaging and Formula.
Yeah. No. This is not working out.

This is a thick formula and it is VERY difficult to apply correctly with a brush (or anything else, including my fingers.)

The new formula comes in bottles that you apply the paint from directly. Thats why it is not working how I want. So, solution? Buy the new formula. I had to wait to get my allowance, so I can buy Gallery Glass paint. I will order that today.

New Formula and Packaging!

In the meantime, I decided to remove the masking film that got messed up and start over. I traced the design on paper and using my cricut bright pad. Then, I flipped the paper over and retraced it on the back after smacking my forehead for not tracing it reversed in the first place.

Tracing the image from the glass to the paper.
Oh no. I needed to reverse this. 🤦🏻‍♀️

At this point, I wasn’t feeling well, and started to doodle. And before I knew it I had added to the design. When I was satisfied, I placed that under a piece of masking film and using the bright pad, traced the new design onto the masking film. I really love it.

Flipped image. Plus, some cleaner details and additional prettiness. Also, my hubs name is Joe and he has made sure I have a cup of coffee every morning, since he met me, and these days, I wake up to it on the warmer by my bed. Every morning, my Joe gives me a Cuppa Joe. So, I thought that would be cute.

Today, I will finish removing the paint from the glass and place the film on it and begin to carefully “fussy cut” out the design. When the paint arrives, I can move forward on this.

Just an interesting aside, I started this project on August 1st, 2018. This is how the item looked when I bought it.

Brown background, black frame, semi-transparent white paint, that was scratched in several places. Boring!!!
Final image on masking film.

In the meantime, I’m also working on a Valentine’s Day gift for my wonderful Husband of a quarter century. As an artist, my husband pretty much expects that my gifts to him will ALMOST NEVER be on time. You cannot rush art. So, unless I’m buying him something, which is rare because what do you get the man who just buys what he wants? It’s become harder. You figure out 25 years of gifts for the same person and tell me you don’t start to run out of ideas!! I think he prefers my artsy gifts anyway.

Am I doing other stuff? Absolutely! Always! But, this is all the time I have for posting today as it IS Valentine’s Day. I hope everyone gives and receives love today. Like every other day, just with yummy chocolates! Wait. That’s every day for me… well, just ya know, have a good day!

To All of You, From All of Us, here at:

~ Chrys’ NeighborHead ~

Have a Beautiful Day!!!

Art!!! Friday through Saturday and some chit chat.

Hello friends and strangers!! I’m back!!

Friday, January 26th, 2024

More Cake! Never enough cake, right? Unfortunately, I had technical difficulties this day and none of my times lapse footage for this session was usable.

The art has been slow the past few days. The reason for this is two fold: weather has got me moving slower and some brain fog going on, and the Spoons I have had, I have been putting in to “active work”. Cleaning, organizing, getting stuff done that has been waiting for a very long time for me to be mentally stable and physically able enough to get them done. I’ve had a meds change of sorts, so I am trying to adjust to that and using more non-prescription methods for handling the symptoms.

I am quite shocked some days, especially lately, at the levels of energy and focus and physical ability I have had the last couple of weeks, despite (or maybe because of) the meds issue. Especially during this time of year. But, it might also have something to do with my New Year’s resolution. I haven’t talked about that just yet. I’ll get there. But, I do a one word resolution every year since 2016. This years word is :


So, perhaps that is lending me a little bit of extra “GO”. Or maybe it’s just a lack of external chaos in my life. Who knows? Certainly not me. All I know is I’m doing really well on the home front, as far as cleaning up, declutterering, and reorganizing every space in my house, and in my cube. Don’t worry though. I do art every single day. I just have to be wise about where my abilities are in every moment and put the energy where I can.

I also started on a trim on my hair. I’m not satisfied yet. I take off tiny amounts until I like it. I don’t WANT to trim off as much as I am going to have to. But, it will grow better once I do. My hair is longer than it has been since before I met my husband in August of 1997. I almost always do my own hair cutting, and coloring. When I don’t, I regret it. I’ve done the layers already. I just need to take the remaining damage off at the bottom. So, I want to cut it blunt across the back. I don’t usually do this. But, as long as my hair is, I think it will work out well.

Saturday, January 27th, 2024

Ahhh. Yes. Thats good ‘nuff. Time to erase it all and draw it again. Does that sound strange? Well, me too. Me too. In fact, it’s been said that I am more of a subtractive artist than an additive artist. I’m still trying to figure out how to EXPLAIN that. However, I have it on good authority that most artists draw this way so….. you’ll see in the timelapses, that I use the eraser as much as the actual pencil. I AM working on learning how to do better video and such. Bear with me, I’m “doing it badly” until it starts to come out right.

I have been working on this little project for a few YEARS. That’s what I said. Years. I often start projects, and run into some kind of barrier to completing them. Usually, it’s because I LOSE something that I need for it, and once I find it, I’ve lost some other part of the project. That WASNT the case for this project. Lol. What occurred was I couldn’t figure out HOW to fix the glass. I bought this from the dollar tree. It’s a shadow box frame. The goal was to simple put a cute background in it. Then, I wanted to paint the frame. In the process of doing this, the paint on the glass got scratched. I tried various ways to fix it. But, I couldn’t get a good match on the color. So, I pulled out all of the white/cream nails polishes. Not only did they not match, but the nail polish actually REMOVED more of the paint and made it look worse. So, I put it aside until I could find a solution.

The solution I came up with: I’ve been using blue masking film with my art for a while now. An example:

This was a Kit and Clowder class I completed in April last year. I use the film to protect the paper from my incessant smudging. Especially with waxed based mediums. Cutting out the portion I working on, allows and then replacing it, allows me the freedom to get messy. I enjoy messiness as long as it doesn’t ruin my work. This is the same masking film I am using on the glass.

The issue was “how to fix the paint” without losing the image. Solution: blue masking film. Cut out the image. Now, I’m going to remove the paint with some acetone and repaint it. The masking film will, prevent the paint from getting on the cup and letters. I have several options for repainting it. I have acrylic paint, nail polish, and even some (old. I don’t know if they are still good.) Gallery Glass Paints.

I don’t know how this part will come out, yet. This is my favorite part of all things creative. Not knowing exactly what you are going to do, and just sitting down and letting the creativity FLOW. It’s one of those, pull out all possible options, and just get “messy” and see what happens. However, the frame itself is white. And the background I made so long ago, is cute, but I don’t know if it will match whatever I do with the glass. Plus, it’s a little wrinkly from sitting around all this time. So, I may redo it. It’s currently looks like this:


And the frame looks like this:


So, once I see what the glass looks like when I’m finished, I’ll know if I need to redo the background. Which is just cardboard with a cute piece of scrapbook paper, covered with glittery (of course) mod podge. Once the glass is done and the background maybe redone, I will put it all back together, with the addition of fairy lights inside the frame. I MAY add some pieces of paper quilling to the inside or even the outside of the frame. I have tons of pieces that are stored away that might fancy it up. But, that is just a maybe.

I’ll be back with an update at the end of the day. I’m thinking I will post this tomorrow, Monday. I’m thinking of doing two posts a week with art stuff. Maybe Wednesday or Thursday for week days. And then, Monday, for what I do on the weekend. I will eventually be posting much more than art stuff. But, I’m taking this as it comes, as my spoons allow. I’m also writing this post as I go, to make it easier on myself.

I’m also staying here, on WordPress. I know in the past, these posts have crossposted to other social sites, including some I did NOT mean for it to. (Ahem. Tumblr.) So, they MAY still be going to other places, but I’m not checking those or being on them right now. I’m just staying here. Eventually I WILL set up things to cross post correctly. So, if you are seeing this elsewhere, and want to comment, you should probably come here directly, because I most likely won’t see it on another platform for a while.

Sunday, January 28th, 2024

I started out the morning, completely unfocused. It happens that way sometimes. Especially when I don’t sleep well.

I have spent the day :

Creating a white surface to lay under my work when I’m filming. I used foamcore board (I can make nearly anything out of foamcore board. lol.), double sided tape, a few sheets of plain printer paper, and packing tape. I did a great job and made it sit perfectly inside the tapes lines. The thing is, I created it to cover the camera angle the camera was currently in on the mount it was on. So, it’s perfect. Though I know it won’t last for long. It’s white paper and I’m a clutz.

A few pieces of used foamcore board.

And THEN….. the camera mount sort of fell over. And my dear hubs asked me, “why are you using this one when you have the big over head one here?” My reply: “Well, because at the time, I had no way to see what was happening on the video, because the over head was … over my head. So, I moved it to the tabletop mount, so that I can see it by just standing up. But, I have been setting up and fiddling with my remote filming app today, so, we could just move that one back up there because I’ll be able to see it now.”

So, we decide to move it back up. In doing so, I realize that my white background no longer fits the frame. So, I’ll have to redo this or make another one. For now, I have just put white paper under it, to cover the rest of the video area. until I make another one or something.

As I just said, I spent a long time working with my remote video app, getting everything set up and reconnected and that took a while. I’ve set it up on four of my devices now. That’s the main two cameras, selfie and overhead, and my main phone as well as my A/V device.

I also spent a ton of time cleaning and organizing today. My hubs lovingly put together another tall shelf for me today, because as I clean, I need places to store things until I get an area clean to move things back into. The new shelf is halfway full already. I’ve also done laundry, cleared off the dog kennel so we can downsize his massive kennel and the kitchen counter that has been inaccessible and covered in plastic sheeting since my last rainbow hair dye project in February of 2021, is now cleared and the plastic removed. I also worked on the reorganization of my closet shelves, including getting rid of anything I don’t wear, isn’t comfortable, torn beyond saving, or that is no longer approved for wearing.

That’s a lot of clothes. Over 50% of my folded clothes have been thrown in the trash, or donation piles. I bought some small baskets. (Some = 6 packs of 5 of one size and 12 of another size.) They will be used to sort my clothes in my closet. I’ve been looking for the right baskets to do this part of my closet for EVAH! So, I’m making sure I get all my laundry washed. So, I can clean out everything. Next is my hanging wardrobe.

Baskets, SMALL baskets. I can’t wait to show you all my NEW way of “folding and putting up laundry”. Confession: of all the chores in the world, I’ll do almost ANYTHING before I do LAUNDRY. I HATE IT. Especially the folding and putting away. But, I recently read a book that has really changed my whole outlook on chores. All chores. So, I decided to test it out on the most difficult thing, the first thing I chose to apply this new wisdom to was LAUNDRY. If the new thinking in this book can help me get through this task, it will be a miracle. So far, it’s going pretty well.

Finally, I returned to my art when I could find some focus. I removed the remaining masking film, and then I used acetone, to remove the paint around the film. I had to rinse it in water a few times. Then, I wiped it squeaky clean with rubbing alcohol. I thought I was done with that part. Nope!!! Because in art, things go WRONG. It’s just a fact. Creative types don’t just create their craft, they have to do some serious critical thinking when something goes awry.

No more paint!!!!

The low tack adhesive on the masking film, was affected by either the acetone or the isopropyl. The edges of my film, started to lift up and curl. The curling makes me think acetone was the problem. (I also had to take off my nail polish.) At first, I tried to tape OVER them and cut around to remove the extra tape. If I had used my brain, I would have realized that wouldn’t work sooner than I did. lol. I ended up using double sided scotch tape, and lifting up the edges that were peeling, I placed the tape under the peeling edges and then cut around the film to remove the extra tape. That worked well. Huzzah.

Oh NOOOOEEEEESSS! The edges are peeling up!!!
Double sided tape!!! Back in business!!!

By the time I finished with the art mayday, I was tired. So, I’m going to leave this post here. I wanted to publish it yesterday, however, it was just a bad day and I didn’t finish it.

More to come later in the week!!!

To All of You, From All of Us, here at:

~ Chrys’ NeighborHead ~

Have a Beautiful Day!!!

A Few Days of Art.

Good Morning, Everyone. Let’s try this again on a smaller scale.

Sunday, I drew a couple of alligators.

Gator 1 – Using the steps in the book.
Gator 2 – Drawn Freehand without the steps.
I also roughed up this plastic black frame with a 150 grit fingernail file. This will help the paint stick.
At first, I wanted to paint diagonal stripes but, my tape wouldn’t stick so I took it off and painted the whole thing white.


On Monday, I drew this little “Dory” fish, two times. I’m starting to draw the second one in the reverse of the first one. It helps me work from both directions.


On Tuesday, I drew this “Nemo” fish.

On Wednesday, I started drawing this cake.

I also painted black polka dots on the now white frame.

That has been my art so far this week. I think I’ll report back in a few days. This seems a little more workable.

To All of You, From All of Us, here at:

~ Chrys’ NeighborHead ~

Have a Beautiful Day!!!

Being a mom is hard…

We learn so many lessons as parents. Children always teach us more than we teach them. The hardest part for me, is that you never really know what you are missing, until you already missed it.

Art Post January 10-17 – Still catching up!!

I gave you all a big update yesterday to try and catch up. Let’s see if I can get this post down and posted before the day is out, hmm? Then, maybe I can get on track with a daily. Maybe.

January 10th, 2024

First, I made a video to explain why I didn’t seal the diamond painting that I completed and shipped to my youngest child’s S/O for Christmas. I could not seal that beautiful bling. However, I did send five blings in every color, tediously out in tiny ziplock bags, labeled with the symbols in case any fell off. I will show you the bling I mailed out.

Not great video. Still learning how to do this. It’s very hard to catch the sparkling on camera.
This bling is from Diamond Art Club (AKA DAC). The name is “Pink Mermaid”. The artist is listed as “Chibimica Art”. This piece was a square kit, full drill, with 33 colors and 3 AB’s. She is 16.5″ x 20.1″ (42cm x 51cm) in size and is composed of 33,000 individual drills. I absolutely LOVE her. But, she isn’t really my aesthetic in decor. I didn’t know who was going to be gifted this piece until I was almost done with her.

This is the video I made to explain the sealing issue.

Two different blings here. One is sealed with Mod Podge Gloss mixed with fine holographic glitter. The other is not sealed at all.
This is showing what happened when I tried to roll the sealed bling vs the not sealed one.

Next, on this day, I found a small chibi image that I I believe the artist name is yampuff. I had started to color this, probably a couple of years ago. I decided to color on it a little bit, but I couldn’t remember what markers I was using originally or the color scheme I was going for. So, I just grabbed markers that I still want to test out and I used them to color it.

What was colored already.
Continued coloring with Spectrum Noir Sparkle Pens. They are chock full of glitter. Though you can’t see it on the photos very well. However, I’m NOT a fan of the brush tips on these. They have individual bristles, that will fan out while you use them, and they also become fluffy at the very tip. It makes it hard to keep clean lines. Another thing that makes it hard to keep clean lines, is that I was without some of my medication that day and my hands were shaking like there was an earthquake inside of my body. Not my best coloring. But it doesn’t really matter because I was just testing the markers. Lol.
She isn’t finished. But, that’s where I left her. Enjoy the Glitter.

January 11th, 2024

This day. I spent the majority of the day cleaning and organizing. I was still having trouble holding my pencils without pain. I did start my morning drawing but, I had to put it away pretty quickly.

The example of the final result I’m aiming towards.
My start.

January 12th, 2024

I worked on drawing the ice cream cone today and created a little time lapse for it. Here are some WIP photos. I am teaching myself to draw using two different books. I alternate between them. Book 1 is a lot more simple, so I can do those drawings in one day, usually. Book 2 is a bit more advanced. Each of the assignments in book 2 takes a few days. I have only been doing this since October 28th, 2023. So, just a few months. I’m a bit shocked at how fast I’m improving.

This isn’t the best angle at all. I’m still working on how to set up cameras. But, here’s a little time lapse for the day’s drawing.

January 13th, 2024

I did two little drawing sessions today.

BRAND NEW SKIRT!!! Dropped my 6B pencil on it. I hope it comes out. 🫤
I have another mount coming soon. I’m currently doing these Timelapse clips, using the DIY time I cobbled together from random stuff, in the below photo.
I didn’t MAKE this today. It was about two months ago. This is what I’m currently using to video up close shots. What is this Frankenstein thing? I took an old piece of a shelf, using Aleene’s Fast Grab Tacky Glue, and glued on a piece of brown felt, to stop it from scratching stuff I might put it on. Like Blings.
Then, I used hot glue on an old phone mount. Gave me a stable, up close camera view. Took me a while to figure it out how to accomplish this. By the time I actually created it, I was making final decisions on the mounts I wanted. So, better late than never?
Hot glued because suction cups despise me. Two different mounts cobbled together. The white part was a claw clip type. It was difficult for my hands to open. I got a ring magnet attachment and put it on the case. It didn’t stick at first. Locktite Superglue gel control fixed THAT. Grabbed another mount that I don’t use but is excellent as far as the magnet strength. I pulled that apart and put them together to create a magnetic mount.
This makes it super easy to switch out the angles. I’m using an IPhone 7plus here. No magback or Qi charging. The port on this phone was wobbly. I almost got rid of it. Then, I discovered those new cables that are magnetic. You place the dongle in the phone port and just leave it there. Then the cable just attaches magnetically. They are really great. I took a chance just to see if I could fix this phones port by stopping the wobble. The dongles actually fit pretty tightly in ports. And what you know? It worked. So, I cleaned off the phone. I use it solely as a camera now. This little board thing I made really works out for using a super old device.
It’s going much better than expected. This is a technique I used often. For coloring mesh, scales on dragons or mermaids, fishnet stockings…. It frustrates me a lot. But, I MIGHT be getting better at it.
More up-close drawing. I don’t know if these videos or good or awful. But, they are fun to make.
Blending and building up the deep shadows. I’ll go back and add in highlights next. I want to really amp up the contrast.

This day, my husband also worked to put the rest of my table together. It was a JOB, because well, I bought parts that weren’t compatible with my desk. Still, my epic hubs made it work. I may make that its own post. If anyone is interested in seeing how he put together things that don’t go together and why, let me know in the comments.

This desk is so BEAUTIFUL, in both form and functionality and ergonomically. I’ve been looking for the right desk for YEARS.

I might post it even if you don’t wanna hear it. lol. I did a lot of helping him with that, as well as cleaning and setting up the trays themselves. I also got all of Christmas properly packed away. It was a busy day. But, so worth it. I also got in one of two new overhead mounts I got off Amazon. So, I really only worked on this one drawing today. It was cleaned off and set up beautifully for me to walk to the next morning. The feeling was so good. It felt good emotionally, mentally, aesthetically, it was just an amazing feeling. I can’t tell you how amazing my husband is for giving me this gift for Christmas. It’s kind of everything.

Progress by bedtime.
Is the happiness in doubt? At all?

#BetterThanYesterday Card of the week.

I mentioned these cards in my last Art post. A friend bought them for me for Christmas.

My oldest is always telling me “you try to cram too much into your routines, in one day. You CANT do it all. Spread it out a bit.”

So, instead of doing a card every day, I’m going to do a card a week. (That’s a goal. Probably not a reality.) So, here is the first card, and what I did with it last week.

Front of Card (you KNOW you are hearing Nickleback, too. Don’t deny it.)
The back of the card tells you what to do….
I found this photo on my Facebook account. I hadn’t seen it in years. It was taken on a blackberry so the resolution sucked. Instead of trying to sharpen it, my friend softened the entire photo and took out the background for me. I am going to paint the frame I just haven’t got there yet. This photo of my youngest and their dad, is timeless. Sitting on our porch swing and eating ice cream. Most people don’t know my husband well. They don’t really see this side of him. I get to see it all the time. So do his kids. But, if ever there was a photo that shows this man enjoying his life, this is the one. I am so grateful to the powers that be, that THIS is the man who found me and became my everything. I couldn’t have ever asked for more.

So, that’s my first little inspirational card. It does say to share it with the hashtag. So I’ll do that.


To All of You, From All of Us, here at:

~ Chrys’ NeighborHead ~

Have a Beautiful Day!!!

Art Post: January 5th-9th.

Whoops. I did mention that my posts might be weekly…or once a month maybe? LOL.

Time got away from me the past week or so. My bad! I have severe issues with consistency. So much that I’m considering making it my One Word Resolution “consistent” this year.

Part of this struggle is simply for the same reasons anyone else would struggle to be consistent. The other part of it is that I lose time. There’s two reasons for THAT, too. lol.

– I have Dyschronometria. More commonly known as time blindness. I rely heavily on technology, others, and other means of judging time to keep me on track.

– However, I also have a dissociative disorder, meaning, in general, that I actually lose touch with my actually reality for minutes, days, hours, weeks…. You get the idea. When I “come back”, I am usually very disoriented. Sometimes, I don’t know where I am or how I got there or what I was doing. Or how much time has passed or what exactly happened.

Everyone experiences these things to an extent. I experience it in what my previous therapist called, “an excessive amount of time that severely affects my ability to live”.

These things (and a plethora of others) make it a little rough to keep me consistent. When I’m out of it, it’s difficult to say, remember to type up a quick art post. Daily. I’m not quite sure how to handle this. We’ll work it out together, if that’s okay with you, reader. I lost a good amount of time on January 5 and 6, due to weather making me feel very bad. But, that’s absolutely okay. This is one of the reasons I take photos every day of my “work” so in a moment, I will go take a scroll through them and see what I was up to. Yesterday, I spent a lot of time cleaning and working to organize my new temporary workspace. We have some more of that to do for a couple of weeks.

I also came across the fact that my WordPress app was not functioning correctly. It took all day for me to get that art post to publish. I realized, with some assistance, that I needed to switch to JetPack. I’ve done so now. Bear with my while I learn this stuff.

Today is the 7th, (it was when I started typing this. Now, it’s the 17th!!!) so I’ll try to break these down by day…

January 5, 2024

I’m have a psoriasis flare up. It’s affects my nails. So I put special topcoats on the to protect them when I’m having a flare up
It doesn’t look pretty, but that’s not the point. I’m just trying to protect them from peeling, splitting, breaking, or the worst, crumbling. People don’t often think about it. But, your nails exist for a reason and it’s not opening things. They are there to protect your fingers and toes. Trust me when I say this, not having a nail to protect your tips is very painful. So, I do all I can to keep them from damage.
I was told by someone that I should write 2024 out a bunch of times. So, I did just that. I wrote it 115 times, to put these stickers on my new set of markers. It’s good to label art supplies with at least the year you bought them. Art supplies do expire. However, I usually just label the container. When it comes to SHARPIES and CRAYOLA products, I usually repurchase full sets every few years because I use up the crayola products and the sharpies dry out so I end up not having all of the colors. Since my children (especially my oldest who use to jack my sharpies. I’d always know it was him too. They would show back up with a chewed up cap.) love sharpies and crayola too, I put all of the old ones together for them to use and I label the new ones. That way my kids (and my hubs) know which ones NOT TO TOUCH! I’ve not written 2023 on anything by accident since I did this so maybe it worked.
I got a small electric blankie for Christmas that fits me perfect for working at my desk. Usually, when I feel bad, I have to go to my room for my bed blankie. Not anymore!!!

January 6th, 2024

My new desk. Not quite finished, as I do not yet have the trays I purchased to install that will make my desk pretty epic. But, my hubs was putting together my new chair. There WAS a large armchair that I have been using for years here. It was time to get more ergonomic. So, I put the arm chair out in my Cube (she-shed, but I can’t SAY that right, so I named the building my Cube. The building currently has installation installed and the back wall installed. My good friend who was doing the work for me got injured and the building is currently stalled until he is healed up. But, do be on watch, as there will be posts about that soon.
OMG, it’s SO cute and perfectly functional for proper ergonomics. Very important when you have chronic health issues and spend a lot of time at your desk. The little ears are removable, and can be swapped out with anything that has an alligator style hair clip on it. I’m going to be buying or making some cute bunny ears to put on it. It fully reclines, has a foot rest, and even a lumbar massager. It is SO comfortable I took a nap in it the next day.
Some organizational issues going on here that I need to figure out. The cart with rainbow drawers takes up too much space in this little nook and I can’t get past it to my shelves or the white rolling cart, which you can’t even see in this photo because it’s behind the drawers. I just haven’t figured out HOW to make it work yet.
I need one of these in Hyper Mini form for my A5 size sketchbook. Also a non-rusty one. Rust on my pages don’t amuse me.

January 7th, 2024

The Sharpies to the left are labeled. Halfway done.
Coco from Diamond Art Club: Mounted and sectioned off.
Coloring a fuzzy poster!!! I’m learning how to do Timelapse photography for this kind of thing. I don’t need to worry about it recording noise. And it shows my work must faster than just a regular video. My I do want to slow it down a bit. Not quite sure how to do that.

JANUARY 8th, 2024

I completed this on the morning of the 8th. I may go back and do some extra details. Not sure yet.
I like to color certain animals or characters for certain people. This fuzzy poster will be the first to hang up in the hubs’ “room in progress”. IF he likes it when I’m finished.
Woot! All new sharpies labeled!!! With the color name, the Hex and RBG codes for digital color matching, and gold stickers with the year their were purchased on the caps. Yay!
I have been attempting to redo my daily and weekly routines for a couple of years now. I wrote this list months ago. Didn’t have the mental ability to do much else with it. But, I did color code it. I sort and label everything by color. Other systems just don’t work for me.
I did redact some private things people don’t need to see. Lol.
Here on the side you can see the labels for each color circle.
More pages of notes I made. Some of this stuff is repeated in the list multiple times. 🤷🏻‍♀️
I tried to write out the daily tasks on this page that is broken down into 15 minutes blocks. I got super frustrated trying to do it this way. So, I put it away to come back to. Time blindness or Dyschronometria is a massive issue for me. I rarely know what time, or day it is without looking, and I truly have no clue how long things take me. I TRY to time tasks to find out, but I usually get distracted and forget to STOP the timer. I do not know WHY I was trying to organize my list by TIME.
Lastly, THIS was a Christmas present from a friend. I spent a while shuffling these cards. I didn’t want to do them in order.
Enjoy the shuffling. If you like that kind of thing. (I’m really just practicing angles, and lighting for various camera positions.

Now, that’s everything from January 5th – 9th of this year. I will make another post with more days shortly. I’m TRYING to catch up today. But, I also promised to post last years’ art for these dates. So, here we go…..

January 5th, 2023

On this Day, I stayed in bed. I was creating though. I spent the whole day, cleaning up my myriad of playlists and folders playlists on my Spotify account.

FOLDERS of playlists!

January 6th, 2023

Just my thumb. This is the result of a psoriasis flareup. Every finger on my hands looked like this. But, forget about how it looks. It’s extremely painful.

Looks like my art for this day, was simply dealing with the weather flare up of my hands and giving myself a hair trim and putting on a tiny bit of makeup.

January 7th, 2023

On this day, I spent most of my time, curling hand cut leaves made out of construction paper for the paper bouquet of flowers.

Paper Leaves and Stems.
I also spent time, looking for meaningful quotes, as I was still dealing with some heartache.
Somewhere around this time, I also started a daily selfie habit. This was the best selfie of that day.

January 8th & 9th, 2023

On the 8th, I had a friend that was sick. I accompanied her to the ER, and she was admitted. I had this coloring book with me. I don’t normally color IN the book. But, I had bought this one for someone else, who didn’t want it and I didn’t exactly bring my printer to the hospital. The book was in my vehicle and I bring crayons everywhere I go. So, I started coloring this page while I stayed with her at the hospital. She needed an emergency surgery. So I was there for a few days and didn’t take a lot of photos.

Okay, Dear Reader. That is all I have for you in this post. I so appreciate your patience, as I catch up here. If I can EVER get my routine sorted (I will. I just need to FOCUS!) I will be able to keep up with these posts a lot better.

Meanwhile, if you are interested to know more about me, feel free to look through past posts. My main livejournal started in 2005, and has been imported here. Take a gander, if you wish.

My next art post SHOULD cover January 10-17th, but I may break that down a bit, depending on how much art I have done in that time frame.

To All of You, From All of Us, here at:

~ Chrys’ NeighborHead ~

Have a Beautiful Day!!!

First Art Post of the Year 2024 January 4th.

Yesterday – because I cannot post today’s art till the day is over. So I guess really, I’ll be posting yesterday’s art most days. (edit. I forgot to hit “publish” so now it’s yesterday’s yesterday’s art. lol.)

So….here’s some art stuff!

January 4, 2024

Two Birds – One Task.
1- Labeling New Sharpies with year purchased.
2- Writing “2024” 115 times to see if I can NOT write 2023 till June.
Morning Drawing Subject/Assignment
Morning Drawing – Progress So Far
Mounted to FoamBoard and Taped Sections out on this Diamond Painting. It’s from a pack of 6 or 9 I got off Amazon. The drills are round. I’ll be using a line guide on this. It will be my first attempt to use a line guide. I already have this kitted up.
Did you know there ARE color names for Sharpies?!? Yup. If you go to one of my favorite coloring resources “Jenny’s Crayon Collection”, you can find color names, blank swatch charts, which sets have which colors, and she even provides the RBG and HEX CODES for each sharpie! Check out the link below, and have a look.

PS : There are SO MANY brands and types of coloring tools listed on the site, not just sharpie. I use this site as a reference very frequently. Link below.

Complete List of Sharpie Marker Colors

LAST YEAR’s Art for January 4th.

FYI – I call Diamond Painting “bling”. I have issues saying AND typing “diamond painting”. So it’s just ALL “Bling”.

This was the very first bling I ever did. It was a round drill kit from Amazon. I was just trying out this new craft, because a friend was into it. This peice was a gift to her. I very much do enjoy this hobby and have continued it.

Completed Piece. The photos never do these sparkling beauties justice.
Videos show that sparkle better, but still not enough.
I also spent time wrapping floral wire with floral tape on that day. I do not like the way that tape feels. It’s kinda gross. Which is probably why I still haven’t finished this project. (A vase for of handmade paper flowers.) I will get to it.

That’s all I have today.

To All of You, From All of Us, here at:

~ Chrys’ NeighborHead ~

Have a Beautiful Day!!!

Starting over. Again. Whats the worst that could happen?

In the beginning, there was… COFFEE. After there was coffee, Chrys came along. That is where the story begins. Every single morning.

I really really don’t give EEFFOC.
(This image is not mine.)

:::: DEEP BREATH ::::

– she begins to type –

HEY! Hi! Hai! Sup?


::snickers:: I wonder how many times I have started a post or new blog or such with that. :: shakes head :: Apologies. My geek is showing.

If you know me, Hello again!!!

If not, Hello for the first time.

🩷 ❤️ 🧡 Welcome 💚 💙 💜

I have spent more than a year almost completely away from social media. All platforms, really. I needed a break. Between needing to really focus on other things, spending time in therapy and doing the work for that, and handling the many levels of chaos that I have finally cleared out of my life…. And as always, trying to be a good mom, and wife, and partner and friend…. It’s been a lot.

I didn’t have the energy to devote to even checking my notifications.

Additionally, I’ve spent the last couple/few years, in which I went through a very painful set of interactions with people that I honestly didn’t know how to deal with in a healthy manner. Thus, the therapy. Well, not ONLY that. I do therapy for a myriad of reasons, though I am in a current therapy break.

I will also say that Social media has made it very difficult in today’s connected world, to have a clean break with people. It’s a whole “THING” and it gave me a lot of insight into what our children go through …. So many accounts, so many profiles, so many people who connect you to the other person, so many different methods and types of privacy restrictions, so many noses where they don’t actually belong. I’m not kidding. It’s quite BRUTAL. I was absolutely over it for a while. …. :: ahem :: Enough of that for now.

I found myself in a place where for whatever reasons, the internet became …. Frankly… toxic, for me. Which is the complete opposite of how it used to be. Some of the people there, became toxic too, hurting me simply because they could. I … simply needed to keep to myself. I needed to learn skills and discover truths, to become discerning both internally and externally. If that has upset anyone, know that I understand. I’m not really thinking I should apologize. I promise you that my absence has been necessary. I also know that I did not waste the time. I am stronger today from giving myself time and space.

In the quiet, (of life sans social media, because believe me, quiet is not something I experience often. Even my own mind is loud enough to drive a sane person crazy and I’m not claiming to be sane. Not one bit.) I have made many discoveries about myself and the world around me.

Sometimes, a person needs to and has the right to, shut out the noise and distractions in order to get peace and find clarity.

I’m not there yet, but I am well on my way.

I adore technology and I indulge with the best. My devices are some of my favorite “toys” as well as downright necessary for my quality of life. In a previous decade, I was a specialist in Education and Educational Technology. It’s a passion of mine and became my career.

However, as amazing as technology is, like all things, it has its downsides. I’ll never swear it off. But, overall, I find the landscape of today’s internet to be extremely overwhelming. Yes, there have been instances in the recent past, when I have popped onto a social network app and started clicking for a bit before jumping back off it as soon as I realize I’ve been sucked into doomscrolling. It’s not even just the personal connections that make it noisy. There’s just SOOOO MUCH other stuff, ads, fake news, things to do, funny stuff, to like and heart and pin and reply reply reply and it often feels like I’m chasing my tail because that cycle never ends and it’s FULL of things that distract my squirrel like brain or cause me to behave like a cat chasing a laser light. My ADHD just can’t tolerate that sometimes. Lol. I’ve begun to live a life that almost requires that I disconnect more digitally and fully engage with the physicality of the moment.

Aside from what I’ve mentioned so far, there are many changes “around here”. (….meaning this blog, house, heart, mind, art and family, all of it. Is “here”, yeah?) There are to be many changes to come. I usually start slow and become a snow ball plowing UP hill. But, I’ve come to accept that I won’t always keep rolling at the same pace. Sometimes, I hit a tree. :: giggle :: I think right now, the progress I make is about “automating processes” to create a more functional system of existence, for myself. That is something I’ve been struggling with since spring of 2021. Things occurred. Things broke. Things imploded. Most of it, on a mental and emotional level. But, some of it …… sigh. I feel like I’m starting over. I hate starting over. The STRUGGLE IS real, y’all. I hate it, but I’m doing it anyway.

So, yeah, I haven’t done much writing this year. Creative or otherwise. I’ve done more talking (verbally, which I struggle with.), much more listening, much more learning and experiencing and connecting to that experience. Writing is my first and preferred means of communication. As a person who grew up with a “STFU” style parent, writing gave me a place to put what I was never allowed to say out loud. Some of my verbal struggles are a result of that.

As a creative person, the art of words will ALWAYS be my first love. I can get lost in the realms of magic that can be created with words. I also read every single day. Books. Fiction and Non-Fiction. I wake up to and fall asleep to my Dear Captain’s …breathing and my kindle daily. I read throughout the day. At this point in my life, I am in a learning mindset and I am searching for truths on many levels. I’m not really interested in what the algorithms want me to consume. When it becomes so complicated to use a service, that I have to climb through pages of settings to try and see only what I care about…. It’s already wasting too much of my time. I am searching for knowledge that is not the same thing that everyone else is consuming. I don’t care much if I don’t know who just got cancelled, or how the reality tv crap even works. I don’t care. I’m looking for things that will help me.

I simply haven’t written much, not even in my private journal. I guess I needed more writing input than I was able to give output. ::: shakes head ::: The way this word count is racking up, that may not last much longer. :: chuckle ::

That does not mean that I haven’t been creative. Oh no. Writing is my first craft, however, I have a seemingly unending variety of art and related pursuits. It’s absolutely ridiculous. But, when the circumstances leading me here become clearer, it will be much easier to understand how I got here and why and why it sorta works.

You could say, I have been obsessively creative.


You could say I have been consistently creative.

You choose.

I have made a full on dive into my art in the past 3 years. I haven’t had the energy to share everything. But, my art IS daily and SOME things have become automated, so I feel ready to show some things again.

I am not a professional. ANYTHING. I don’t claim to be. However, it’s worth asking, does an artist ever truly reach mastery while they still breathe? I am a work in progress, in ways that I cannot even process yet, and my art is a reflection of that. I don’t always do the same type of creative work everyday. But, I do create something DAILY. Or make progress on something creative. It just depends on what I hone in on, or what my body will allow me to do, or perhaps I can’t focus and do 20 small random things that day, instead of working on one thing.

Whatever, I do, I always take photos, of it. Every day. Not just when the art is finished. I take photos of Work In Progress. I also take photos of almost every “oops!” And “that didn’t work” along with how I fixed it. I record a lot of videos, as well. I suppose I simply don’t have the confidence to post videos, yet. Because of this, I have almost 2 year’s worth of art, from start to finish, that I have not yet shared. I feel some of it is absolutely worth sharing.

To that end, I think I’d like to weekly or (or daily?) post my current art, finished and unfinished/WIPs, along with photos of my art on that day, LAST YEAR.

I’ve been liking this idea more the longer I think on it. I don’t know how much detail I’d be writing about my art to start with. Right now, I feel it might continue to be more helpful to me that I spend more time actually creating and living my life IRL, than giving all the details of each piece, or what I was working on, the challenges I set for myself, the techniques I played with, the medium used, etc. I do love to document and write about these things.

But, I have a lot of work to do before getting to a point where I will HAVE the time to devote to those details.

I’m spending this month, January 2024, dedicating a portion of every single day, working this system out.

I may post art without much text at this stage.

::: rolls eyes at self ::: I may also retract that pretty quickly. If you know me, you know that I am a writer. Just in general. If you don’t know me, hang out a bit, you will learn far more about me than you ever wanted to know. I write far more words than ANYONE really wants to read these days. I am not a “character limited friendly” communicator. That’s part of the reason I have chosen to begin my social reboot on WORDPRESS and not on any other platform.


What does that mean? For those who are already done with this and have clicked away, it means this blog it not for them. For those of you who are still reading. To make it easy, I write in a manner that most refer to as “TL:DR”. That’s okay. There is plenty for you all to consume media wise. No one made you be here today. Or tomorrow. So, if you aren’t a person who enjoys long rambles, excited utterances, dramatic stories that go around your butthole to get to your nose, unbelievably adorable explanations of the cuteness in my life, lists of things, lists of my lists, updates on my home remodel and Studio Building projects, to just name a few things….now is probably your cue and it’s okay. No harm. No foul. Did I mention I limit my own social media INTAKE?!

Right. So, moving on. This is MY space. I will say what I want. In the very beginning, before “blogging” was even a word, I started out with a livejournal. I spoke on that platform daily. I wasn’t afraid to speak my truth. Over the years, as the internet has expanded, I began to be more private. I also have encountered people in my life who wanted me to NOT talk about my life online and I tried to please them. Slowly, I got to a point where I didn’t even bother to post anything, because EVERY thing caused a fight. I’m done with all of that. I intend to return to speaking my truth. If you have an issue, we can discuss it. But, it’s a DISCUSSION. Not an argument or an agreement. Again. I’m not sponsored and this is all just ME.

My words, my place, my art, my thoughts. You are welcome to be here, interact, and share, so long as you show respect. Because this is mine, not yours.

I have many goals to accomplish this year. All towards a pretty specific, and yet all over the place, set of goals. There are reasons for that. I’m sure it will become more clear over time. There are reasons for all of my ridiculousness… and quirks…? Yeah, we’ll call it that for today …. 😏

I am going to do my best to post at least once a week here. I will always include art photos in my posts.

If you want to know more about anything related to my art or any other topic, than I included, please just ask. I will always try to give proper credit to all creators, and resources, and even products that I use. I am not and likely never will be, sponsored. I simply give proper credit as I would wish others to do for my work.

There. I maded some goals, too!!! Not resolutions. I do one word resolutions. These are just some basic goals. I need to write them down in my notebook. And …. We are off.

Next up: My First Art Post of the Year.

Ready to see how this works out, myself. You?

To All of You, From All of Us, here at:

~ Chrys’ NeighborHead ~

Have the day that you have today. Now, go to a mirror, and give yourself a high five. That was a long read.

Myths About Polyamory Debunked by People in Polyamorous Relationships

Insider spoke to polyamorous people to debunk some of the most pervasive myths about non-monogamy.
— Read on www.insider.com/myths-about-polyamory-debunked-by-people-in-polyamorous-relationships-2019-12

Why Communication Is Important for Spouses With Anxiety | The Mighty

A woman living with anxiety describes why communication is important when huge changes occur in a relationship.
— Read on themighty.com/2017/09/communication-important-spouses-anxiety/

19 Memes About Emotional Numbness | The Mighty

If you’ve ever felt emotionally “numb” due to mental illness, you’re not alone. Here’s a roundup of memes that might make you laugh.
— Read on themighty.com/2019/11/memes-emotionally-numb/

This is me today. Trying to function but too numb to feel like bothering.

WTF is going on in this blog? (EI: Confused by something, read this post for help. I’m a confusing person in many ways.)

This post will be a “sticky”. It’s just some general information about things I am doing on the blog and things I’m not. Yet.

  1. My blog isn’t pretty. Yet. It will be someday. I know how to do it. I just don’t have the time right now. Plus, I prefer doing that stuff on a desktop. Yes. I have a desktop. A Mac and a Windows PC. Neither of them are set up right now due to the mess of ….. my life.
  2. I attempt to not use actual names of people. I either describe them using emoji words that I created for them years ago. (I have an entire language of emoji that I have crafted that only the people who know me well understand.) or I describe them using letters I have assigned to them. I dislike the DH/S/D type of designations others use. Why? I don’t know. It just bugs me. Perhaps because I feel that it’s less personal. The people in my life deserve “personal”. It’s just my way. So in general, you will likely see the following:

– My husband – “hubs”, or 🤴🏻🚶🏻‍♂️👾

– Oldest son – DM or 🧑🏻🗣🙉👊🏻

– Middle child –

As of a few years back, my child came out as a MTF Transgender person. So, SHE, is a she NOW. However, it has been weird, for me, when referring to HER, in pre-coming out time as HER, because at that time SHE was HE, and when I tell stories from the past, referring to her with female pronouns, and using her female name are difficult for me to wrap my head around. This has to due with some of my mental health issues. But, I find it MOST difficult when referring to my two eldest children because my ASAB Daughter, the youngest, was born when they were much older. They were born 13 months apart. Even after my youngest was born, the entire family always referred to the oldest two as “the boys”. Including my daughter in that, was “the boys” and daughters name. So, in terms of gender/name, my middle child has been understanding,

I refer to HER, from the point that she came out, to now, in the female using her chosen female name. I refer to her prior to that, still as male, using her ASAB male name. This can be confusing for many. But, it’s just what works for us. So, references to HER, will either be male/female, depending on whether I am referring to her in a time period between birth and coming out or coming out to present day.)

Male- AD

Female- LLS

BOTH have the same emoji name – 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♀️🤸🏼‍♂️🧗🏼‍♀️🎺

Just a quick mention…. BOTH of my older children have moved out and are building their own lives now. So, it’s just the youngest at home now.

PS- I have twin boy grand babies!!!

They were born 3 months premature. The first went home last Friday. The other is due to go home soon. They are currently referred to as MY BEANS.

Why? Because I’m 49 and I wasn’t at all prepared to be GRANDMA. As you will learn, if you hang around, I’m pretty untraditional.

The babies have a pretty large family of grandparents and great grandparents… so I “had” to be my own unique self. Before they were born, everyone was choosing the “names” they wanted to be called, so everyone had a distinctive name.

As soon as I learned they were twins I had started calling them baby peas in the pod. I love to eat steamed and lightly salted edamame. Soybeans in the pod. Peas in the pod. Too long to say.

Then, my youngest pointed out that edamame sounds like “mommy” or “mammy” at the end. It was a done deal. I am grandma “edamame.” Well, just edamame. And they are my beans. Eventually, each bean will get a distinguishing “type” of bean. But, for now, they are just my beans. 😌

Yep. I’m a weirdo.

– My youngest child –

Again, she is gender atypical. This is a RECENT development. Just before summer ended this year.

SHE/HE/THEY – ACK! the pronouns are killing meeee… I’m having to practically be retaught English from various perspectives of the QUILTBAG (its a real acronym. I found it here. “Comprehensive* List of LGBTQ+ Vocabulary Definitions”.) community.

As a lover of the English language and the written word… it’s a task. Lol. I’ll get it. Eventually.

But, apparently, “LM, I told THEY to go clean THIER room.” Is NOT correct.

My 12 year old (as of this writing) ASAB daughter, is currently on what I call a “gender identity quest”. It’s no different from any other type of “learning who you are” developmental stage, in my opinion. She may be where she needs to be for now, but change later on. That’s fine. She also may be one of those people who learn who they are early in life and stay right here. That’s also fine. I’m here to support her, assist her in being comfortable with who she feels she is, and make sure she is safe, healthy, and loved. Yes, I am still referring to her as “her/she”. Because I haven’t adjusted yet and I’m still trying to figure out how this THEM/THEY/THEIR pronoun thing works.

However, as of now, I still use the same “code names” for this child. Because it just so happens to be fitting for male, female, and non-binary. Technically, I think she is gender fluid. She floats back and forth and sometimes she is neither… she says she is just “myself”.

Youngest child – LM or 👧🏼🌹🎧💡🔬

NOTE: The “names” of each person are NOT their initials. Ex: LM- stand for “Little Miss” or now, “Little Mister” or “Little Mx.” Neat. It’s nice that I am able to continue using the same letter code for this child as I always have. So, as you can see, it actually tells you nothing about the child’s name. And the emoji names are created from specific traits of each child. They occasionally change. LM’s will be changing soon. I’ll put that update here.

Those are the most frequent people I refer to. I also sometimes use an emoji name for myself. It is 👸🏻🍭🌈.

There. That should help decipher it.

3. Next, let me explain my blog publishing.

I rarely finish whatever I’m writing when I write it.

I have a symptom of diagnosed OCD and Bi-polar Disorder called hypergrapia.

You can read about it here on Wikipedia. and here in an interesting article.

But, basically, it means I am compelled by the obsession to write. It happens daily. Most often when I first wake up in the mornings. I’m trying to learn to control it more. But, it’s really hard. It drives my family and friends NUTS, which is part of the reason I need this blog. To capture my thoughts and relieve family and friends of the constant inundating flow of texts so long I have to chop them apart in order to send them, that takes them hours to read.

Because of symptom, and other factors, I have written THOUSANDS of long diary entries, letters, stories, etc. They are all over the place. In every writing app, cloud service, etc. that you can think of. They date back years. I continue to write daily. A lot. I have at current count, 72 unpublished drafts in this WordPress account alone.

I intend to clean them up a bit and publish them, hopefully dated the day they were originally written. I intend to find and add all of those scattered writings here as well.

I also plan to export all of my various online journals and import them here, or into the other more NSFW blog I have started. I won’t be linking things between the two blogs, as I hope to keep them entirely separate. As much as possible. For identity sake.

The back posting of items may be confusing to the readers. I apologize. It’s not meant to be. Simply put, it’s a method to end my madness.

I enjoy writing. I feel I am pretty good at it. I want to share almost everything I have written with others. My intention, from the moment this blog was just a sparkle in my eye, about 4 years before I finally found a name for it that was sufficiently all encompassing, unique, and completely removed from any user name I have ever used before, has been to collect all of my writing, even unfinished stuff, which I will simply tag as unfinished because my mind just doesn’t finish stuff very often… and there is no sense in my mind to try and go back several years to try and finish thoughts that I barely remember having… and place it all here. All of it.

Everything I can find that I have written since 2005. Almost everything I ever wrote prior to that was lost in a series of unfortunate events. But, a few things were saved. I’ll post those when I come across them as well.

WHY? Why put it all in one place? Well, I need to. For myself. I write too much and it’s a mess. I can’t find things. I currently have 253 untitled, unsaved, unfinished writings, in my drafts 5 app, alone. Just one app.

I also feel that some stuff I write, is useful to others who may read it. I like to share, inspire, help, give hope, vent…. if you have a blog, you probably understand that.

I also am trying to keep a digital record of my life, for my children and grandchildren, etc. I started writing when I was 8 years old. I went through a blank journal about once a month.

I started my first blog, before blogging was cool. On live journal. In 2002 or 2003. It was amazing. It actually chronicled a time in my life that was very pivotal on many fronts. It was lost, sadly. I immediately started a new one, early 2005. It still exists. But, I haven’t written in it for years.

On livejournal, I also have a poetry blog, all my original work, a couple of other journals linked to that that I can’t remember the names of at the moment… and a NSFW blog I started in 2009 or 2010. There isn’t much there.

In short, as an early adopter of livejournal’s platform, I became dissatisfied with their service as it degraded over the years. It sucks now. I don’t use it. I’m coming to WordPress. Nuff said.

I also have/had 4 tumblr blogs. I uploaded them to a safe place, and stopped using tumblr, when they decided to bow down to Apple. Not because I was affected by their actions, though I was, but because they shouldn’t have given in. It’s a principles thing.

Though to be clear, I am an Apple junkie. So, in short, all of that stuff has to go somewhere. As well as everything I have written that is just…. in apps. And handwritten stuff I will scan too.

4. This blog actually doesn’t have a THEME. It’s just my life. But, there are things I hope to include that are THEMATIC in nature. I’ll try to group them with tags. Note I said TRY. I’m a very mentally scattered person. So, there is no telling where this blog will go. And no telling what you may read from day to day. I just need a place to write and share.

Don’t expect consistency here, in any form. Lol. That’s a word that I know the definition of, and am very aware doesn’t EXIST in my life. So, go with the lack of flow, or don’t.

I INTEND…. to add more information about the non-organization of this blog as I go. But, the best laid intentions…. get lost in my messiness. I’m okay with that. I’m trying to learn to let go of my perfectionism and just be okay with DOING instead of DOING PERFECT.

I am in the bad habit of typing in caps for EMPHASIS. Because I have been texting for years, without any form of formatting available.

I’m not yelling, just emphasizing.

I’m trying to remember that I HAVE A RICH TEXT EDITOR HERE. But, I forget. It’s so second nature to me to just use caps. I type extremely fast. Lighting speed. That’s part of why my writing gets so long. Because I can type/text 5000 words before someone else can type 50.

My thoughts spin at my attention span extremely fast also. So fast that it’s a struggle for me to communicate in any form other than written.

Writing forces me to at least filter my thoughts and focus for a moment. But, I still don’t catch 75% of what flows through my head.

I have adapted to typing from handwriting because I have arthritis. It’s difficult for me to write with pen and paper, like I used to. If I COULD, I would still write tons of stuff by hand. I can color or write a short note with breaks. But, to catch my thoughts and try to put them on paper is simply too painful and I needed a way to write that could keep up with my mind.

So, I learned, and became very proficient with typing. As much as I write, it simply became second nature for me and I got faster and faster. Writing without a RTE, was my main format for so long, that I have programmed my muscle memory to automatically use all caps.

I WILL try to go back and correct it, using the formatting options. I’m not gonna do that with this post though. I feel it’s good to … let readers see how I actually write. It gives a sense of “me”, I think.

I’m also not going to do it right now, because it’s 10:30 am. I wake up at 5:20am. I’ve edited two drafts, written this, and done a bunch of other stuff on my phone this morning, so it’s time for me to put it down, and work on my priority project for today.

I’ll return to this at some point. But, I AM going to publish it. I’m trying to make a point of publishing new stuff I write, WHEN I write it.

Have a gorgeous day. Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoy my thoughts, the things I write, and find something you like here.

Peace, Love, and Rainbeauxs!!


17 People Describe What It’s Like to Have Bipolar Disorder | The Mighty

An Article and A Word or Two On My Own Thoughts

“We asked The Mighty’s mental health community to describe what it feels like to have bipolar disorder.
— Read on themighty.com/2017/02/what-bipolar-disorder-feels-like/”

I’ve have bi-polar disorder. I know that is what I am supposed to say.

I have Bi-polar disorder.


I am Bi-polar disorder.

Yet, I sometimes feel that saying it that way, as in “I am not my disease” is inaccurate. Deep down, I know why we say this. I know what it is acknowledging. I appreciate the mindset, and the positivity.

But, sometimes, I hear it, even in my own head, and I bristle and feel like screaming “Uh. No. You are wrong. I am bi-polar. It is me. It wakes up with me in the morning, wears me all day like a skin suit, and goes to bed with me at night, and it sleeps (or doesn’t) with me. Does it invade my dreams, create them, or does it simply observe them? I don’t know. 🕳🐇 Does Bi-polar sleep when I do? Or is always awake? I’d love to know the answer to that question. If I have insomnia because I am manic, does that mean that my bi-polar is awake, even though I want to be sleeping? 🐇🕳

My daily task is to try and live my life, without that… gremlin… wreaking havoc on as much of my day as it possibly can. I am bi-polar.

Then, I mentally stalk away like a pissed off teenager.

I’ve been living with bi-polar from my earliest memories. It started with my mother, when I was young. Of course, I didn’t know. She didn’t know. My dad was a buffer. I know this now, remembering how he would shoo mom away, telling her he’d handle it and scoop me up and cart me off like a sack a taters. Tell me something that was equivalent to “stay out of her path for now”. Looking back, I also know that this is why she kicked him out of the house so often.

When he died, I became my mother’s caretaker and my siblings parent when she was “nutty”.

I was diagnosed at 14, based on family history and similar behaviors. I’ll never know if I actually had symptoms at that point or not. This was back in 1994, and in general, at that point bipolar disorder was not very well understood. It’s possible that I was having bipolar symptoms. It’s just as possible that I was suffering from the trauma of my father being murdered, and all the stress that put on me and all the other stuff that I had to deal with.

I wasn’t acting out like a typical teenager would. I was quiet. I was a perfectionist. I was the family watch dog and protector, even amongst each other.

My worst behaviors were smoking (but mom didn’t know that for about 5 years.) and I “ran away” a lot. I only actually ran away a few times.

Most of the time, I had spent all day doing for others. I had severe insomnia, nightmares, my mothers almost weekly suicide attempts that came after everyone else was asleep, my sister having seizures and falling out of the bottom of our bunk bed, all kept me awake.

I would go weeks with only a powernap here and there. Usually in my first period ELA classes. I passed them without having to crack a book. So, once the teachers figured it out, and were informed about my life from the previous years teachers, they just let me sleep.

My running away actually wasn’t running away at all. It was me, slipping out my window after making sure everyone was safe and sound asleep, and taking in the peace around me. The quiet and the darkness. Away from the sensory overload of noise, and light, and cooking, and cleaning, and my mind NEVER having a moment where something or someone wasn’t intruding, wanting something from me, telling me what to do, fussing at me, punishing me…… it often made me feel as if the entire world was off kilter. Colors were loud, sounds were chaotic, smells were overlapping and messy, walls closed in. I wasn’t running away, I was getting some damned peace. The nighttime, outside, was my only real refuge.

Sometimes, I stood at the end of the house to smoke a cigarette or two, especially if it was likely for my sister to have a seizure that night. I’d leave the window open so I could hear her. Many nights, I took a walk around my small neighborhood, while smoking those two cigarettes.

When mom woke up and found me gone, she’d call the cops, saying I ran away.

My dad had been a cop himself. Many of them had known him, and the ones who didn’t, learned about him. Often, they would patrol my neighborhood during the time they knew I was likely to be out, and I would sit on the hood of their car, or in the front seat, while finishing my smoke. We would talk. They would drive me back to my house. Tell me to get my butt back through the window before my mom woke up and called. Heh. They would always say, “see you soon, I’m sure.” Or something like that.

It seemed like everyone knew. This was once a pretty small town. That was pretty much the extent of my youthful rebellion. Mostly.

When I was 16, I was undiagnosed as bi-polar. Lol. Yeah. For real. They said they made a mistake, by relying more on my genetic history than my actual symptoms.


Was I having symptoms of bi-polar as a teen? I think I was. They were simply reined in, by my family’s needs and my insistence on making good on the promise I made my dad, while he lay in our driveway, paramedics trying desperately to save him.

I had other issues. Still do. Bi-polar was probably on one of the lower layers of the “madness stack”. Those other issues were treated. In time, I let go of the fear, that I was bi-polar. I just went about living however I needed to. I had issues. Plenty. But, I had dodged that bullet. Now, I just had to pray my kids would, too.

I had so much experience with it, from my mother, from the time I was temporarily misdiagnosed, and later on in years, from various friends. I had learned a great deal about it. Even management strategies. I kept up with research. For those I cared about, in case one of my children ended up with it, in case there was ever a cure.

How did I get to almost 30 without anyone, including myself, figuring out that my undiagnosed bi-polar, was actually wrong? I don’t know. Maybe I was just great at pushing through, a survivor, with a huge amount of faith in my own willpower. (Unless we are talking coffee and cigarettes.) Maybe I had learned enough coping skills at a young age to cope without knowing I was doing so. Perhaps the CBT and DBT and BMT, I had learned from everything else, just naturally overlapped.

Did I still have symptoms? Yes. But, they were from my other issues. Not bi-polar. That’s what I had been told.

Until one day, I woke up, after almost a year of a full-on manic break, in which I was so uncharacteristic of myself, and engaging in such risky behaviors and high on life…I still don’t understand how no one else realized what was happening.

Though it had no relation to the bi-polar itself, I had gotten sick. Ended up in the hospital with acute pancreatitis. Horrible stuff. Ugh. I was doped up for about a week. This was the first major physical symptom that something was seriously going wrong with my body.

During that time, and the long period of recovery (that never actually came), after, I became increasingly frustrated, depressed, angry that I could not go and do what I wanted. This led me into a severe depression. It was during this depression, that I saw myself outside of myself. I looked at what I had been doing the past year…. I was horrified.

It took some time for me to be able to get back to my therapist, but within a couple of sessions, that year was identified as a (or maybe one of) major manic episode. My undiagnosed bi-polar, was re-diagnosed.

Even my bi-polar diagnosis is bi-polar. Ha!

I now know that I have actually had bi-polar my whole life. I have other issues that have caused a lot of repressed memories. So, there’s a whole lot I can’t really evaluate from my past, to find the pattern.

I know enough. I know how it feels. How it acts. How it steals from people. How it betrays them. I know that it hurts the person living with it more than anyone around them knows. Especially when it hurts those people. I know how it can cost a person in ways no one else can ever understand. How it can take your heart, and break it thoroughly. I know that it can break your heart so badly that you believe you won’t ever be able to fix it.

It’s try or die. You have to keep going. Or you have to give up. Funny enough, there IS no middle ground here. Either you fight every day, or you quit, permanently. Those are the options.

So, you fix your heart. Stand back up, and before you know it, Mrs. BP, comes and finds a whole new way to crush your heart, more than before, into smaller pieces.

(Perhaps this is why I have such an obsession with adhesives. A physical manifestation or inner turmoil? Lol. Another day.)

I know how these things feel. Like every one of these these people described. Like my friends. My family. My oldest son. Myself.

Yet, no one of us, is like another. We are the same. Yet, still so far apart. One minute we can feel understood and the next, it doesn’t matter because we are still all alone. I know and yet I know nothing.

Bi-polar disorder is my enemy. Yet, I cannot escape it. Not ever. People say that you should keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.

Well, I don’t have many friends. But, I sure am close to my biggest enemy. Sometimes, so so close, that I look in the mirror, and instead of myself, I see my enemy. Every day, is a question mark, a struggle, a waiting game, a tug of war between it and MY LIFE.

Even those who live with this, can find it hard to relate to others who do. One of my best friends, has it. She has lived eight houses down from me since 2006. We rarely talk to each other or visit. It’s just so frikking difficult. We tend to always be on the opposite side of the spectrum from each other. Which sucks. Every now and then, we find ourselves in a similar place on the spectrum. We will have a good chat or visit. Then, back to standard operating procedure. It’s a weird friendship.

I just turned 39 one week ago. I’m still alive. So is my enemy. Sometimes, I think I’m okay. Sometimes, I do have a really good day. At the end of the day, in bed, in the dark, laying close to him, I will tell my husband, cautiously, quietly, like I don’t want the demon inside me to hear, “Today was a really good day. All day.”

He will say “That’s so good. I’m really glad.” And some other stuff.

I think sometimes, that every thing he does, is to try and make as many of my days, good ones, as he can. It often seems as if that has become his life’s purpose.

Which has pros and cons. That’s why, if I have a good day, I try to always tell him.

I will usually cry after he falls asleep. Because I am so grateful to have had that good day. Because I am so happy to have him. Because I am glad to be able to tell him that all of his effort does result in the occasional perfect weather day, amongst the storms and droughts and tornadoes, exploding volcanoes, that are the norm for me. Because I know, how rare that day has been. Because I know that the odds of two in a row, are about as likely as me getting struck by lightning, eaten by a shark, and winning the lottery, all at the same exact moment. (Filthy rich fried shark, anyone?) I cry because I don’t know what the next day will bring.

I just hope that tomorrow I wake up and I am me. Just me, as much as I can be. Most days though, I feel like someone else is living my life for me. That’s how bipolar feels to me.

My Half-Brother, My Mother, Life Lost….

He is laying a friend and brother in service to rest today.

Near the grave of our Dad. Well, technically, HIS dad. It’s going to be a bad day for him.

I was going to meet him there. Just moral support. But, he doesn’t want me to. And I couldn’t go anyway. My van is dead. Battery. I also am out of Xanax. So, pretty much impossible anyway.

I feel so bad for him sometimes. (Sometimes being whenever I think of him. I feel bad anytime I think of him.)

Out of all of us, probably myself included, he is …. he has TRIED to be a good person.

Every time I talk to him. Which isn’t much, I end up writing this pleading missive, telling him that he should shove her ass in a home, and leave her and go live HIS life. Be with his kids, find himself.

I either accidentally delete it. Or I just don’t send it.

What a shit show he has lived through. It’s only his sense of responsibility and honor that prevents him from doing that.

To do that, would be against everything he believes in and stands for.

So, he can’t do it and then go and live his life. It would destroy him. Eat him up inside. Every day, he would hear a voice telling him that he ISN’T everything that he values because he put her in a home.

Sometimes, I think about telling her. Telling her what she is doing to him, and that she should handle it.

But, I know she will just go crying to him….”is this true? Do you feel that way?” And of course, he will say “no”. And comfort her. And bitch me out for making trouble.

So, I think about handling it myself. Well. Not with MY hands. But, hiring someone. But, that would be so tragic. It would break his heart. He will feel responsible.

What’s worst is knowing that….. whenever her days are over, no matter how or when or where it happens, he will still blame himself for not stopping it. For not saving her.

He still blames himself for Dad.

“If I never would have gone inside and told dad that he was outside and wanted dad to go out there and talk to him…..”

…..you would have done WHAT instead???

“I don’t know. I never will know. I should’ve done SOMETHING.”

He will never stop feeling responsible. THATS why he takes care of her. I don’t think he loves her. I know he doesn’t like her. But, he doesn’t know that for himself. I don’t think he ever will.

I wish I could help him. I don’t give a shit about her anymore.

And he does piss me off. But, I don’t blame him. What chance has he ever had….. to be different? To see the world from beyond her influence?

None. The brief times that he has tried to venture out on his own, he has fallen, and she “swoops in” with a “it’ll be good for you to come home cuz I can help, and I need you anyway.”

He falls, and she picks him up, dusts him off, and stands him up next to her. “See. The world just isn’t fair to people like you. That’s why I’m here.”

I don’t think I ever really realized, until they lived here and then left, how much she has destroyed him.

I stopped actually caring about her a while back.

I don’t like to hate people. But, everytime I think of her and what she has put him through, what she has made him give up, how she keeps him in her clutches with the promise of “safety”, I feel…… a heat in my chest. And I know what that heat is. And I turn away from it. Because I don’t want it to grow. I don’t want those kinds of things in my heart.

I refuse to let her have that effect on me. But, everytime I feel it, it makes me wonder a little bit more what the planet would be like without her on it? And how much longer she will survive. Like the goddamn cockroaches she brings with her.

She left. The ladybugs stayed. Anyone else notice that?

But, the cockroaches. They are gone. I KNOW IN MY HEAD, they probably just died from the flood. I also know, that wherever she is living, if she’s been there more than a couple months, there are roaches there.

They follow her around like she’s their queen.

It’s fucked up. People like her shouldn’t get to live long lives. But, it seems sometimes, like the most evil people, live the longest.

Fuck her.

He deserves so much more in life. He will never have it. She has ruined him from ever having happiness or peace. For all she has done, to me, to the other two kids, to my family, to everyone who has ever been around her more than two weeks….. I don’t care.

I guess I never have. Because the other two, I don’t know that they would have turned out better. It’s their personality’s to be the way they are. Yes. They were raised the way we were. But, they don’t remember much from that day or before it. They were brats before it. I know that. R probably doesn’t know that. I do.

Me? I knew enough to know that shit wasn’t right. Even still, I had a hard enough time getting away from her. Not feeling responsible, indebted, or sorry for her.

But, R? He remembers just enough to have that honor, and not enough to believe he would be better without her. Or that he could survive even, without her.

I used to believe that a part of me would always love her. Lately, I’m not so sure about that. It takes a lot to make me hate someone. Every time I feel that, I know it means I love her that much less. Even though I try to not let it grow, every time it does, I find myself more at peace and okay with it. I’ve never grown to hate someone before. I’ve only ever hated three people before. I grew to forgive them. I don’t know what it means to grow towards hating someone.

I hope it doesn’t ruin me somehow. Only time will tell. For now, all I can do is send my wishes for his safety and his breaking heart as he rides his motorcycle, leading the funeral procession today. It’s not enough.

But, at this point, what could EVER be enough for him, anyway?

Going Through the Stages of Grief After Chronic Illness Diagnoses | The Mighty

Tierra Drollinger describes the stages of grief she has experienced after her multiple chronic diagnoses.
— Read on themighty.com/2018/12/stages-of-grief-after-diagnosis-chronic-illness/

Quick Post. Just because I want to keep this.

One day, I will stop mourning my “could have been self”. When? No clue. But, I wish that those around me could understand that this is a real thing. This grief. Trying to figure out how to more forward. It pretty much requires relearning everything about everything that you thought you new…. from how to walk again…. to finding a new dream in life.

It’s not just grief. It’s the rebuilding of my life that takes so much more time than I ever realized it would.

Saturday- 3- 10- 18

My brain is full of patterns. I’m trying to learn to pick them apart if they are negative, leave the working ones alone, and create better, more positive patterns in my head, so I can be better.

One pattern is “that I MUST NOT BE WITHOUT MY TECH.” And so I freak out without knowing where my phone is (there’s a reason for it, beyond the normal tech addiction our world has…. that’s for another time.).

This is a pattern that is comfortable, and I am okay with.

Then, there are patterns I try to create, for my well being. Most of these are difficult and uncomfortable such as:


Nothing. Is defined as nothing I feel compelled to, pressured to, that must respond to, nothing that involves learning, communication, etc.

Nothing that I do for ANY reason but pleasure.

Both of them, are patterns. Both good patterns, but one is so much easier than the other and I don’t understand why.

I know this makes NO sense. But, it is important.

I need to stop trying to RUN my life.

I need to start trying to LIVE me life.

I need to adjust these patterns in my brain. I can’t explain it any better than that.

It’s very hard. I have certain disorders that control my thinking. Everyday is a competition between my conscious and subconscious. Between the autopilot, ingrained, unwanted, but survival mode patterns and routines of my mind, and the things I actually WANT and need to do.

My subconscious programming attempts to keep me safe, by confining me to the patterns it has decided are what I need in order to be okay. But, I desire more than just okay.

It seems perhaps like an easy thing to make ones mind subject to their own will. I don’t think it actually is, not even for “normal” people. Most people just live. They rarely stop to evaluate their life, actions, causes, effects, or the thinking that has led them to where they are and if they don’t like that, to search for the way to change things. Most don’t realize that for the most part, we have the ability to mentally create our world. To a certain degree. Nature vs. Nuture comes into play. As does personality, and health.

But, for me, I find the challenge to be mostly in my own head.

For example, there are a billion things I NEED to do right now.

I am being compelled. By FEAR. that’s the thing that actually runs my life.

I just told my husband that my blanket smells like candy.

I realized about 5 minutes after I said it that…..I’m pretty sure my blankie smells like “candy” because somehow my sample of that “Prada Candy Perfume” that I love so much, got on it.

I had the sample yesterday. It’s possible that the sample is completely totally dumped out. Gone.

My brain is TRYING desperately to convince me that I HAVE TO GET UP AND FIND THAT SAMPLE. Because it’s my fave. If I lose it, I’ll cry.

And so my mind has gone into a NEGATIVE MODE.

Instead of understanding that I could always go get another sample. Hell, if I like it THAT much, maybe I SHOULD buy a bottle. Either way, whatever happened, has already happened, my mind is consumed with fear and anxiety.

I realize, consciously, that I can either jump out of bed, in a panicked state, pumping my adrenaline, and then things will start snowballing into a full day of “dealing” and “coping” and “reacting” and “responding”……..


I can simply lay here, and bury myself in the smell that is so yummy. Relax. Get up “on the right side of the bed”.

It might not even BE the sample perfume.

Then, my brain screams “oh shit!!!! What else could it be??? Oh my god, what if it’s something MORE precious and important. Or something toxic! You HAVE to see!!!!”

No. Brain. No. I DONT. I LIKE WHAT I AM DOING RIGHT NOW. I don’t care what made my blankie smell like this. I’m ENJOYING IT. SHUT UP.”

See, there is a mental tug of war. When I allow myself to be COMPELLED, I’m the one who is losing.

Because a compulsion is not what I WANT to do.

A compulsion is not something I enjoy.

A compulsion is something I am DRIVEN, to do.

Driven, like a prisoner in the backseat of a police car.

You know driven, forced, out of my own control ….. which is fucked up, bc if you asked me years ago, I would have said “I don’t allow anything to CONTROL me, that I want to.” Yet, I have allowed my own mind to “imprison me.”

I became convinced that patterns, routines, order, ARE EVERYTHING IN LIFE.

I have developed more and more things, that I must do, in order, in a specific manner, in my day to day life, that I have believed were helpful to me, and that’s not to say they aren’t ALL helpful. Some are. But, MANY OF THEM, are LIMITING my ability to actually ENJOY my life.

It’s become STRESSFUL to be spontaneous. To not KNOW everything going on around me. To not have my morning cigarette. To not do things in what my own mind has determined is the CORRECT WAY.


I know WHY. Somewhat.

I was out of control. In a severe manic episode.

Then, I got sick, with the pancreatitis. And that took ALL OF MY CONTROL FROM ME.

I got so scared. I became afraid of my mental health finally unequivocally containing things that my mother was diagnosed as having, that I had prayed….One of the few things I prayed about, just because someone MIGHT be listening….. would skip me, genetically. The very same prayer I had said for my children.

My diagnosis was like listening to the gates of hell shutting behind me, as I stood looking at the underground of my life, being welcomed home. Sad thing is, I wasn’t even afraid for myself as much as I should have been.

Because my mother, sure, she has her cross to bear, I don’t discount that. I know the majority of what is wrong with her, is legitimately, illness, disability, mental health issues.

But, my mother does not seek to change herself. She seeks out those who might change the world around her. She uses those people, for a long as she can, till they get tired, worn down, burdened, with her problems. Either they BREAK, LEAVE, or WHATEVER THEIR WAY OF HANDLING IT BECOMES.

I will NEVER justify what the person who abused my mother in Missouri did to her. It was wrong. He was weak. He was so weak, that instead of walking away from her, he became the monster himself. I don’t feel for him. Because a person who allows them self to resort to hitting a physically and mentally disabled woman, to locking all of her belongings in his shed for over a year, without giving her access to them, to taking to battery out of her van, that the state provided, modified, so she could drive while IN HER WHEELCHAIR, so that she couldn’t go anywhere……. that person, though he was possibly driven to feeling he should take those actions because of who she is, is still a cretin. He was even weaker than her. That’s why he had to control her and hit her, to make him FEEL like he was a bigger, stronger, person than her. But, he wasn’t.

Even still, he, just like everyone else my mother used, was being used by my mother. My mother does not carry her own burdens. She never has. She is handed a problem by life, and she looks at it, and starts crying. Until someone picks it up and handles it for her.

That is what she did to me. And then, when I moved out, to the next oldest. She went through four of us. I think she severely damaged us all. But, I’ve wondered, over the past few years, why we all came out SO different. I think now, that maybe it had to do with our age differences.

I was 11, when the shit storm started. I don’t know if my dad’s death triggered some of her underlying illnesses, but I have thought for a couple of years now, that maybe it DIDN’T.

Maybe, until that point, my DAD had been carrying that burden himself. That man LOVED her. Like nothing I had every seen. His love for her, and us, and his happiness on a daily basis…….. were ever so visible. He couldn’t hide it if he wanted to. But, he never tried. He loved us all. We were his whole world.

I look back now, now that my memories seem to be coming back, which is a discussion for a different day, and I remember how he loved when Mom would bring us by the station, for any reason. To bring him lunch, or get something from him.

He would stand up, really tall, bend down, arms opened and say “come on”. It didn’t matter if there was just one of us, or all four, we would rush and get into the big arm hugs of “Winnie the Pooh.” He loved that character. We all had a name of a character. He could pick up any 2 of us at once.

But, more than two at once, that depended on which ones were there. He never skipped an opportunity to “show us off”. Anywhere. To anyone. Mom too. He would grab her hand, and take whatever she may have been holding, set it down. He would hold her hand above her head and say “twirl pretty girl”. My mom would blush. But, she would do it anyway, and then, he would spin her in for a kiss.

The guys at the station ragged him about it. Only sometimes. It’s hard to be mad or even talk shit, about like, being pussy whipped, or whatever, when a man is so OBVIOUSLY in love with his family and his life. The smile on his face was never fake, or ever reserved, or even strained.

I know. I make him sound like a saint. He wasn’t. He had issues. He slept with our baby sitter once. Only once. That guilt and grief hung over him. I didn’t know why it was there. Not till years after he died. But, I knew how to make it go away. Big neck hugs. Nose kisses. Begging for a strawberry shortcake for breakfast.

Mom always let him get away with that one. They were homemade, little angel food cakes, with fresh cut strawberries in their own juice, with just ENOUGH sugar. My mom kept them in the fridge for me, always. You just plopped them on the shortcake, added cool whip, and mom always made him make sure I had some cheese and milk with it. That was the ONLY “mom approved desert for breakfast”. My favorite. I still love them. Though I can’t say I have eaten any, in at least a decade. Probably more like 2.

My point is…. he was human. Probably more faulty than I ever knew. That’s not my fault. I was still young enough that when he died, I didn’t really have access to or memory of, “bad times”.

But, for every fault he had, my mom still loved him. Her heart shattered the day he died. We all lived that same, horrible day. We all broke. We all remember it exactly the same. But, we all tell the story different because we each experienced that same moment in time, together, but separately.

So, it only makes sense, that I, an 11 year old, had more years to experience that love, that FAMILY, to see mom, unbroken, than my 6 year old, and 5 year old brothers, and my 3 year old sister. It makes sense that I have a much stronger sense of FAMILY. Of what it really means, that they do.

It also makes sense that….. at 11, I had fewer years, to remain in that brokenness, in the despair of a love lost, the illnesses that either followed his death, or were revealed by it, because maybe he had been holding her together all that time. Even when they were separated.

When she moved us to Dallas. For almost 2 years. I, myself, understand, just how little (or how much, depending on how you see it) difference, a few years in a different state, can make on a love that is TRUE. I only spent almost 4 years in California.

My siblings, though, they EACH, had years less than I did, living in an environment and having the understanding of the love and devotion, and the way that things were before. They had more of living in the aftermath, of the horror, the things no child should see, experience, or be expected to be okay after seeing. More time, living in the shadow of a love ripped apart. Of a mother, who’s only reason for staying alive (except on the days she lost all reason) was to take care of the children that love had made.

Because he would have wanted her to. Despite the fact, that she couldn’t make it in this world without him, and that every time one of her children cried for him, or said his name, she cried too, and after soothing our sorrows, retreated to her room, as soon as she could, to cry her heart numb again.

She raised us, in a life of grief. In a world where everything and everyone was (in reality) against her and she had to fight for everything, for us.

Is it any wonder that she, so many years later, in the degradation of her heart, mind, and body, from age and illness, believes that the world is still against her? That she DESERVES what she takes that isn’t hers. That she only cares for herself? It’s not an excuse. It’s a reason.

What do I mean by that?

An excuse….. it admits something happened, but usually for an acceptable cause, and that you aren’t held to blame for it. A reason, is the rationale, the cause of the thing that happened. However, a reason, does not necessarily make the occurrence ACCEPTABLE.

Because whatever has occurred is not an acceptable thing, and it doesn’t matter why. It’s not a justification. It’s simply a matter of cause and effect. Sometimes, a person can choose how the cause impacts them, sometimes they can’t. In a lot of cases, I believe it solely depends on the individual and the characteristics and traits they have.

Which brings you to the argument over nature vs. nurture. In the case of my siblings and I, I do know that we each have distinctive personality traits.

As we all grew up, I saw things in each of us, that were the things that would be what made our lives okay. They would be our strengths. Even though, I had no clue what actually was going on. I acted on instinct. Until I was old enough to begin to understand what my “acting on instinct was”.

The verification of that, for me, is the simple fact, that I never actually SAW the negative aspects of my siblings. To ME, they were simply things KIDS DID. Especially, to those siblings. And the things that WERENT, in my limited opinion, normal, “obviously was simply an effect of what the trauma had on us”. It made sense to me. No one ever told me any different. I don’t think I ever asked.

Maybe if I had, things would be different. Maybe I could have told them, not just that “……… is what makes you strong, and beautiful. It’s what you have inside you that will make everything okay.” But, also that “……..is what I see inside you that if you don’t try hard to make sure that it isn’t what controls you, it might overpower all the good things inside you, and that would make me sad. Because you have so much potential. Everyone has faults though. And if you don’t know what yours are, they will run your life.”

I didn’t see the negative traits as issues. We were kids. All of us. Even though I wasn’t a living the life of a child anymore. You can’t have the responsibility I did and the determination that I was going to take care of us all, mom too, and keep us together, no matter what…… and still be a child. I look back now, and I see that I never had a snowballs chance in hell of making everything okay. I wasn’t a superhero. I didn’t have a time machine. I didn’t have the education, or the understanding that I do now.

I understand now, that those of us, who were older, had a better idea of “good, happy, normal, loving, beautiful” and that according to the order of our birth, that comcept, diminished.

The reverse is also true. Those of us, who were younger, spent much more time, living in a broken, terrible, fearful, abnormal, love-starved, and ugly, environment.

So, in my experience, I feel that nurture won. In this case. We all had strengths and we all had weaknesses. That’s called personality. I think we are born with gifts and with challenges.

A person in an optimal condition, to sway those traits one way or the other, would be the only person, in which NATURE, could POSSIBLY (because maybe even not then) be the ONLY factor in the outcome of of that person’s life direction. I think a good example of this, might be the movie “The Truman Show.” In a life were everything was real, but perfectly planned in order to let nature take its course. Problem is, there will never actually be a means to allow nature to take its course, in order for a viable test of the theory. Because the moment ANY control is taken upon an individuals environment, the MOMENT ANY OUTSIDE influence, is placed in someone’s path, the purity of nature, is tainted by the questionable, and unknowable effect of nurture.

In my opinion, nurture wins.

The only caveat to that, is whether or not SOMEONE some how, teaches a person that they HAVE a choice. There is ALWAYS a choice. Some people, like my youngest sister, were never given that information. So, they believe that instead of finding things within self to adjust in order to live the life that makes breaths matter, that they have no option except to see EVERYTHING and EVERYONE as a threat, as something to beat. By whatever means possible.

It’s true. There will always be………

…….. UNFINISHED MORNING RAMBLE………posting anyway.